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Pov Darth Vader:

When we were on a trip to the death row, I was nervous but also worried because Gwen and Qira were left there.

-Well, guys, because of your debt to Jabba, we'll end up in a monster's mouth,I said

-I said we weren't welcome there,said Maul

-Jabba will not forgive us such an amount and apparently kidnapped the girls so that we would not have a way out and pay him back the debt ...- Parker said

-Only I want 100,000 credits from us, Han said

-We'll pay with this life,said Lando.

-It's okay not to talk, just think what to do, I said

When we got there, the window opened and 3PO appeared.

-Big Jabba can take pity on you if you give him 100k, said 3PO

-3PO ! Tell this bloated fat man that we will not give him such satisfaction, shouted Maul.

Then I was moved, I climbed onto the plank and there was a monster below. I looked up to see Gwen looking at me with a worried expression. Suddenly I jumped after Jabba's servant, fired my lightsaber, freed the guys and started killing.

Pov Gwen:

When Vader, Maul, Peter, Han and Lando decided to act too, I took my long chain and wrapped it around Jabba's neck and began to choke him with all my strength, Jabba was dead and I was exhausted.

-Hoodoo Gwen! now let's get out of there, said Qira, and suddenly someone kidnapped Qira through the window

-Qira !, I shouted and looked out the window and the kidnapper was Peter, who took Qira to the vehicle, I breathed a sigh of relief.

-Mrs Gwen ? What shall we do ? 3PO asked, embarrassed

-We're getting away from here,I said

-What about your bullets ? Asked 3PO

-They are not needed anymore, now we have to leave immediately, I said

-Fine, Mrs. Gwen,said 3PO

-R2 lead us to the exit,I said, R2 beeped and with 3PO we followed R2.

Pov Darth Vader :

After the fight, I started to look to see if they were all there but I was missing someone. Gwen !!

-Where is Gwen ?, I asked And I saw Gwen behind Jabba's ship with the droids and she was standing without bullets, was she really crazy?

-I'm here ! she exclaimed Then she pushed the droids so that we could take on the ship thanks to the magnesium that was in the vehicle.

-Gwen, you must jump or this ship is about to explode ! Shouted Peter

The girl looked at and was a little scared.

-Gwen jump, I'll catch you !, I shouted Gwen took a deep breath so she jumped up and was in my arms.

-Okay, let's go! Maul shouted and we drove off.

-All right ?, I asked, still holding Gwen in my arms

-... yes ... thank you, she smiled at me

It was probably the most beautiful smile I had ever seen. Then we entered the Millennium Falcon and returned to the Imperial Ship.

~ The girl who fell in love with Lord Vader ~Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz