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When the red figure I decided to place I looked at the man I was gorgeous.

-Who the hell are you ?!

- It's me Peter! the man said, took off his mask and it really was Peter.

-Peter ?! But how?

I was shocked.

-I am with Spider-Man I got powers but then another time I'll tell you how.

-But why haven't you told me so far ?, I asked

-I hid it for now, but then I wanted to tell you about it when it was time to answer.

Suddenly Qira ran to me and hugged me, crying, and then Maul.

-God Gwen! We were so scared for you, said Qira

-We saw that Snoke threw you and you fell, but fortunately Vader saved you, said Maul

-I tried to save you Gwen but Dooku pushed me and I didn't have access to you but if it wasn't for Vader it would be after you - said Peter

-Can you tell me where Vader is ? I asked

-Kylo Ren and Dooku were defeated and Vader fights Snoke, who is a formidable rival, Maul said

-And my father ? I asked

-Here I am Gwen,my father smiled at me as I ran to him and hugged him.

-It's lucky you live well on your own. I felt what happened for a while, so I told Vader to use his power to save you and he succeeded, said the happy father

-I'm also glad you're okay,I said

-Now, Gwen, you must stay here for your safety, Han said

-No way ! I'm going to help Vader!

-I'm sorry, Gwen, but we promised to protect you and you have to stay here, said Peter and plastered my hand to the door with his cobwebs.

-Peter! I shouted

-But you're stubborn, Gwen, said Qira

-My blood,my father laughed

-Hey! This is not funny ! I shouted

-Gwen! We are serious, you have to stay here and that's it, Lando said

-You know what Gwen said when I was taking her ?Peter laughed

-I heard she called him a bastard, laughed Qira

-Because he is ... but my bastard and I have to help him," I said

-Mad woman,laughed Maul

~ The girl who fell in love with Lord Vader ~Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora