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After giving out all the certificates, the ceremony was over and I had one problem where to go now. So I sat in the seat and looked at my testimony when suddenly I saw no one else but Vader. I was surprised, he was supposed to be away for a month. on business, not after me.

-Vader? What are you doing here?

-Hello Gwen and what the celebration is over are you waiting for it to begin?-He asked

-I showed him the testimony from a distance.

-Ooo, how long have you been sitting here? -He asked

-Not about 5 minutes and what about business? -I laughed .

-Oh, yes, I was in the senate at important meetings, so I decided to take you with me immediately then I will not have to burden Maul-Vader laughed

-And you said you were leaving for a month?

-Because that's how it was in the beginning, but the plans have changed,said Vader

-That explains a lot-I laughed sja

What are you so happy about? "He asked

-I became the best graduate girl, I laughed

-Congratulations Mrs. Stacy, said Vader, shaking my hand

-Thank you Lord Vader, I smiled at him.

Then Vader sat down next to me and looked at me and I looked at him.

-Do you come to Coruscant often?, I asked

-Yes, but for business purposes,replied Vader

-And you have studies? -I asked

-Got it, replied Vader

-Seriously? I don't feel like believing, I laughed

-What did you think that I am without education and that I am not intelligent?, He laughed

-Not only did I ask, but it's great that you are educated and even noticed it, I said

-And Maul?

-He's also educated. We studied in the same class and we are the best friends to this day, said Vader

-And is it true that Emperor Palpatine is a Sith Lord? I asked Vader looked at me and gave me a thorough op

-Yes, Imiperator, I have control over us, said Vader

-Oh, I understand

- Palpatine used to be chancellor during the old republic when Padme was a senator

-He was a chancellor? You mean he was hiding that he was a Sith Lord?, I asked

-Yes,replied Vader

-He is a strange man

Vader started laughing

-Did I say something wrong?, I asked

-Not only that if you were alone with him, I don't know if you would like it.


-So what Miss Stacy are you eating with me?Vader suggested

-Yes, we can fly Lord Vader, I took Vader by the arm and we both went to his ship.

~ The girl who fell in love with Lord Vader ~Where stories live. Discover now