"Okay, we gotta open our powers by letting our wolves take over and kind of posses each other, only we can find each others powers not by ourselves that's why we had to mate, even though it sounds crazy, our wolves know what to do, okay?" She nods her head with a confused expression, I nod my head and look in her eyes as I let Kotu and she lets Toyaz take over us.


Kotu -

"Ready Toyaz?" I ask her once we take over, she smiles and nods her head, I back up to the back of Mercurys' mind as does Toyaz and we both bolt towards each other as fast as we can and jump into the others minds.

"You okay?" I hear Toyaz yell as we land.

"Yeah, man it's cleaner in here than my place, you okay?" I yell back.

"Got that right, I'm good but I'm cleaning this dump, come on Kotu this is nasty." She yells with attitude, I roll my eyes and begin to look for Felicitys' power house, not the Mitochondria people. 

I look all around Felicitys' head but nothing.

"Find it?" Toyaz yells.

"No, you?" I yell back.

"No, where do you think it could be?" She yells, I think of the most cliche place to where it is.

"Try the heart." I yell and head towards Felicitys' heart.


"Anything?" She yells.

"Nada, you?"

"Nada, let's just look around their bodies, it's here somewhere." She yells, I nod my my head and begin to look further.


It's been an hour or so and I've looked everywhere in Felicitys' body, even down under but no, I decided to look through her legs to see if it's there.

"Found it!' Toyaz yells.

"Where was hers?" I yell.

"It was in his spleen! Weirdo." She yells back with a confused tone, I laugh and head back to look through her legs.

"Found his!" I yell after a few more minutes.

"Where was his?" Toyaz yells.

"In her big toe." I say with a confused expression, I hear Toyaz begin to laugh as we head back up to their heads. Once there we put the powers in our mouths and begin to run back to our body's.

In mid jump towards our heads, we bump paws and wink at each other and jump in with the powers in our mouths.

I turn to see if Toyaz made it, and she did, gracefully.

Finding Myself In The ForestWhere stories live. Discover now