"Thanks for the reminder," he rolled his eyes. Leo never really had much to say when he started talking about guys. He didn't blame him. He was straight, while Valentino was gay. It was like day and night as far as their conversations went with that stuff. But they both listened to each other at least. That was the unspoken rule that they had. It had worked well for them.

That was even before they had that fight at Casimir's apartment, though. It was Leo who reminded him that he needed some room to breathe. He had been so stressed and overwhelmed by the quick change that he forgot the most important thing he needed in his life.

After that argument where they had almost broken up, things had changed for the better. They both learned to live with each other better. It was nice to actually have someone else over that he could just be with rather than always having to do something romantic or going out all the time. As much as he had a lot of fun those time's they went out to eat or see the sights, he was much more fond of the times that they spent indoors just being lazy.

And now he was bored, looking at gay wedding pictures on his phone because he had genuinely never been to one before and didn't know how they worked.

Like the dumbass he was.

Was this what women did when they started dating guys? It was weird to think about marriage when he had just started dating the guy. But it was hard not to think about it at least a little when that was what he did for a living. Casimir had a lot of stories about weddings that he had been to and planned. He actually made weddings seem like fun rather than the rare boring ones that he had been to. Valentino would have rather gone to any of the ones that Casimir had planned than the few that Lou had forced him to go to when he was little.

The only reason he was looking forward to Sunshine and Nikita's wedding was because he knew that both of their families knew how to party. And alcohol was definitely going to be in the mix this time. Tequila and vodka made the greatest drinks, and he was definitely going to have a blast, no matter if he spoke their language or not.

Some of these pictures that he was scrolling through looked like fun. At least the couple looked happy in them. Another thing about marriage was that you spent all this money on them, and most still ended in divorce. Why would you go through all that if it was just going to end in a year or so? And why would you spend all that money when you could just put it towards the honeymoon, or buy a house or something with it?

It made no practical sense.

But if it was going to be a fun one, he couldn't really complain. People have spent more on worse things in life. There were dumbasses that would buy expensive sportscars and not know how to drive the damn things. The idiots would crash it after trying to show it off.

If you're going to get a fast car, you might as well learn how to control it before you step on the damn gas. He had seen too many hotshots trying to show off to try and get points from the boys or trying to get the girls to drop their panties or something.

He literally heard some guy say that. He really didn't think those guys existed outside of the internet until that man came up. Needless to say, he was single, and Valentino wouldn't be surprised if the guys wasn't using that car to compensate for something.

His phone rang before he could go off on another rant in his head. He had a bunch of different arguments that he could have with himself just to pass time. That was how he kept his mind active he supposed. The only thing that would suck about it was when he would accidentally think himself into getting angry about a made-up argument with no one in particular.

Because the mind is a magical place, full of magical things, including a potion that could magically piss him off. He was still trying to work on making that damn potion disappear entirely. He had enough things in this world that pissed him off. He didn't need the wheel of fortune to have that emotion on it to ruin his days even more.

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