"I'm Alex by the way, come on follow me." He says and starts walking in the opposite direction I was going.

It turns out we have the same one and he sat next to me. We got our schedules and compare them to each other's. "Hey look we have 5th, 6th, and 7th together." I smile knowing there will be someone that will be nice to me, or at least might be nice to me. "Oh your first class is right next door. Your second class is the first one on the right in the green hallway. 3rd is in the blue hallway all the way at the end in the right corner. Then lastly 4th is in the orange hallway four doors down on the left. Then I will meet you after that class outside the room, and we will walk to English together." He says and I smile at his helpfulness. He smiles back and looks to some guy who sits next to him.

The bell finally rings and I follow Alex's direction and head right next door. I walk in the class and sit in the back.


I walk out of science and there was Alex waiting for me. I smile at him and he smiles at me when he sees me. I walk to him and we start walking. "Is it going good?" He asks, luckily a yes or no question.

I nod my head, and he smiles. "That's good. Is there anyone giving you a hard time?" I look at him, and he looks at me not showing any emotion. Why does he care? Why does he talk to me? Why is he being so nice? So of course I shut down I look away from him and just follow him to my class.

He notices and puts a hand on my shoulder. I freeze and someone bumps into me from behind me. The guys swears under his breath, and I just walk forward even though I don't know where I'm going.

"Hey wait, our room is right here!" He calls out to me. I turn and look at him getting pushed by some girl. Her and her friends laugh at it, and I walk into the room. I take a seat in the back corner, and Alex takes a seat right next to me. I look down at my desk trying to not notice him watching me.

"I'm sorry. I don't know what I said or did, but I'm sorry." He says. I look up at him, and he gives me a small smile. I return it and the teacher walks in.


The rest of the day was okay. Considering Alex won't leave me alone and sat with me at lunch. We have lunch 7th so he told me where to go for 8th.

No one else talked to me though, which I expected. I'm sitting alone on the bus, but my stop is next, so I don't care right now. I can't wait to get home and crawl in bed and cry.

It's another year my parents are missing. There are the kids who stare at me like I'm a foreign object. Then the people who laugh at me in the halls. A teacher thought I wasn't there because I only raised my hand,which caused everyone in the class to laugh.

"Hey bitch!" Someone shouts. I keep my head low. "Hey you, new girl!" He shouts again.

"She doesn't talk remember?" Some girl says.

"Freak." He laughs, and everyone snickers.

The bus stops and I get off as fast as I can, and walk down the street to the house. As I get closer I notice Kian's car in the driveway. There goes my time to cry about the dreaded place called school.

I walk in the house and hear screaming in the family room. I walk into it and drop my bag smiling. Kian and Jc were there, but they were in an intense game of Mario kart. I roll my eyes as Kian screams again.

Jc won that round and Kian was upset, until he saw me standing there. He gets up and comes to me engulfing me in a hug. He picks me up and twirls me around. I hug him back wrapping my arms around his neck.

He places me down and we are only centimeters apart. His minty breath fans my face. I felt him leaning in and held my breath in anticipation. Then Jc comes and picks me up from behind.

Way to ruin the moment. But is he really going to kiss me? Does he even like me like that? I will have to ask Jc to do some undercover work. Jc puts me down on the couch in between the two of them.

"So how was school?" He asks, so I take out my phone.

It was good... I even think I made a friend.

"Really that's great!" Jc exclaims. I look to Kian who is smiling.

"Is she in a lot of your classes?" He asks.

One: he's a boy, two: yes, he also told me how to get to my classes. Oh and helped me with finding my locker.

I look at Kian and his smile falls slightly. "Oh well that's good." I nod my head smiling.

He reminds me of you... he wouldn't just leave me alone. I even shut down on him at one point.

Kian doesn't smile, but Jc laughs. "What did he do to get you to shut down then come back?" Jc asks.

Well he was really concerned for me, and I didn't like that from someone I don't really know. He wanted to know if anyone was giving me a hard time. I said he was sorry, and sat next to me for the class so I had no choice.

They both were quiet and I didn't like that.

What were you two doing here?

They look at each other then back to me. "Waiting for you to get back." Jc says. I roll my eyes at them then look to Kian.

Want to race?

"You're so on." He says agreeing.
Hoped you liked it. So her outfit is up top, or in the side.

Don't forget to comment and vote.

Is he my cure? (Kian Lawley FanFiction) [completed] حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن