My own twin brother is not alive. It all because of the fire.

I lost my family to fire.

And then I sensed a series of emotions surging inside of me. But I decide to focus on one of it.


I channelled every other emotions into rage.

I could feel my muscles tightening, and my heart rate and blood pressure increasing.

I heard a series of yells.



'Faith come back'

'Stop it.You are hurting yourself.'


I came back to sense when I felt someone shaking me by my shoulder.

I let out a gasp and covered my mouth after seeing the chaos I have made.

I not only lit the candle but also the table, carpet, couch and all other thing that was there in the living room.

I moved my hands away from my mouth and looked at it. I saw my hand covered with my blood.

I looked at them with guilt and horror "Iam sorry. I didn't mean to" I said.

Damon hugged me and rubbed my back to console me. "We know that Faith. It's okay."

I moved away from the hug and snapped at him.

"Its okay? How can you can you say that? I nearly destroyed your house. I could have killed you all!"

I looked at the things I have obliterated because of my magic.

It's true. I could never be a good witch. I could never be a normal person. I would destroy and hurt everyone I love. I would be the monster that everyone scares.

Stefan would have been ashamed to see me like this.

"I can't be like this anymore. I wish I was never resurrected from that coffin. I would be rather be the long forgotten sister than the monster who kills everyone she loves."

I looked at Bonnie and said, "I am not the chosen one Bonnie. Iam the definition of cursed. Iam an abomination."

With that I rushed towards my room and locked the door

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With that I rushed towards my room and locked the door.

Iam not ready to face anybody now. I am not ready to see the fear that's gonna spread on everybody's face when they will come to know what kind of monster is iam.

I hugged myself and closed my eyes.

"Stefan don't hate me please. I didn't mean to do it."

I laid down on the bed and recalled a memory of me and Stefan.

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