Chapter 66: A Little Drunk

Start from the beginning

"...knew Kuroo was into...think they've...

"...sense.  Not gonna's kinda..."

"...just go.  There's no way...tired of...lame boys..."

Tsukishima smirked to himself as the girl's voices faded away.  Having been unable to get to their desired captain, they had apparently decided the party was no longer worthy of them.  Good riddance, Tsukki thought, noticing that Kuroo had dropped his hand.

The three danced just so for a few minutes, Kuroo once again closing his eyes and losing himself in the sheer physical pleasure of dancing.  He knew he was still pretty drunk, and it felt good to just let his body do what it wanted, knowing his friends would make sure he was okay.  I've got the best friends in the world, he thought to himself, a smile coming to play on his lips.  As the song changed up, Kuroo leaned across the pretty setter so Kei could hear him, gently pressing the three of them tight together.  "Thought you didn't share, bro," Kuroo said, winking at his kohai.

"Only on the dance floor, Kuroo," Tsukki responded, "What kind of a bro would I be if I didn't help keep you from getting into trouble?"

A pair of strong arms wrapped themselves around the three friends, almost making them tumble to the floor.  "That's our Tsukki-bro!" Bokuto shouted as he joined the little group, giving his friends a squeeze and then letting them go so he could dance alongside them.  Kei noticed Akaashi was now on the other side of them, eyes closed, limbs flailing rhythmically.   The four boys had now effectively boxed Nakano in, as if she were the one that needed protecting.  After a bit, Nakano turned to face Tsukki again, her eyes trained on him, full of love and longing.  Kei smiled at the girl, color rising to his cheeks, embarrassment flooding him as he recalled how concerned he'd been when he'd first seen Nakano dancing with Kuroo.

"They all mean the world to me," Nakano said, leaning in close, wrapping her arms around his neck, "but you're my lover boy.  The only one I could ever want."

Kei's blush deepened.  "You know me too well, Roses."

The couple kissed for a long moment, then threw themselves into having fun dancing with their friends.


About an hour later, Kuroo found himself flopped in a chair in his now quiet family room, drinking water and trying hard not to just fall asleep where he sat.  He was starting to feel more tired than drunk, which he supposed was a good sign.  The party was mostly broken up, and Akaashi, Bokuto and Tsukki were finishing up the final cleaning.  Naka-chan was sitting on the arm of the chair he was in, keeping an eye on him.  She too, was sipping on some water, and when Kuroo looked up at her and smiled, she giggled.

"How are you feeling?" she asked.

Kuroo chuckled.  "Think I'm down into the heavy buzz range now, Pretty Setter," he replied, chucking her under the chin for the second time that night, "Kinda like you."

She laughed properly aloud at that.  "I wouldn't call this heavy, just buzzed."  She put an arm around his shoulders, leaning over to place her head on top of his.  "So, do you want to..."

"There they are!  Bokuto told us you guys were here somewhere,"  Yukie exclaimed as she walked into the family room with Kaori.  

Kuroo laughed.  "Somewhere?  How drunk is Bokuto?  I haven't moved from this chair since he saw me fall into it."

Kaori grinned.  "Well, he was a little busy when I asked him.  He and Tsukishima are carrying  Shibayama up to the second floor.  Apparently the poor kid puked his guts up, and then passed out."

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