August 8th

39 1 0


Shotaro watched as Ten and Yangyang argued whether or not they should add another exclamation mark to the banner. Jungwoo was seated at the dinner table, eyeing the cake with a look that made Mark cover it again.

Actually, Shotaro was meant to be pumping balloons up, knowing that Kun and Dejun were going to be arriving in the next ten minutes. Still, he stoop and watched his friends interact.

He was happy to be with them.

He turned back to his balloons, noting that he had three left to fill. Shotaro filled them up, despite the commotion around him (Mark had started telling Yangyang that they didn't need a ninth exclamation point on the poster). Once he was finished, he turned towards Jungwoo. "Doesn't Dejun hate surprises?"

"Usually." Yangyang stopped arguing for a moment, just to answer Shotaro's question. "But it's his birthday, so he should be expecting it and he should be a little... more relaxed."

Ten smacked him on the arm, and Yangyang immediately reacted. "Ow! Was that for what I said or for the poster?"

"Both. Don't make me think about..." the older shuddered, "Dejun's sex life. Moving on, we've got to pin up this banner. I told Kun we only needed two hours, so he gave us two. Mark, can you grab the ladder?"

"On it." Mark disappeared into the kitchen, moving past Shotaro. The latter walked into the kitchen as well, figuring he could at least get some wine for them (minus Jungwoo) to enjoy with their cake. Cake and wine was a combination in some universe.

Somehow, Yangyang and Ten's comments had cemented themselves into Shotaro's mind, which had him thinking ahead to Sungchan's birthday in the following month. Would Sungchan want to... well, have sex? He knew that Sungchan anyways threw him first before himself, but that fact didn't stop him from thinking what he did. It was just nature.

Sungchan wouldn't force him to do anything he didn't want to, of course, but was Shotaro going to put a smile on his face and pretend that everything was alright, and that he was still comfortable with himself despite hating himself for even trying to live?

"Yangyang, 29 is not old."

"You're just saying that cause you are."

"And you will be soon."

Ten and Yangyang's argument was able to get Shotaro out of his thoughts. He glanced at his watch. 07:13PM. Kun and Dejun were going to be there soon, so he had to tie himself together loosely for now and have a good time with his friends.

Just as he placed the last glass on the table, the front door started unlocking. Jungwoo, who was seated closest to the lights, turned them off.

The room was silent as Dejun stepped inside, Kun on his tail. "I'm just saying, it's weird that I haven't–" He turned on the lightswitch.

"Happy Birthday!"


"Yangyang, do us all a favour and shut it."

Dejun stood completely still as Mark pinned one of those tacky birthday ribbons mean for children to his shirt. "You guys... didn't need to do this."

"And you probably didn't want us to," Jungwoo shrugged. "Look at the banner we made. There's eight exclamation marks on it and everything."

Dejun did quirk one of his eyebrows up at the word "we", but still took a look at the banner. "Why are there so many?"

"Yangyang's fault," Ten sighed.

Kun stepped out from behind Dejun, finally shutting the door. "I see that there's wine from our own cabinet."

"Hey, this was a last minute choice!" Shotaro said in defense. He pointed to the cake before pulling off the cover. "I can guarentee that this is not from your cabinet."

"Mint chocolate?! Somehow not in ice cream format?"

"Oh my god," Yangyang groaned.

Dejun narrowed his eyes. "It's my birthday. All 29 years included."

Shotaro smiled at the two's exchange, turning back to the wine to start pouring it.


okay so at the end of this year all of them will be 29 except johnny and yuta will be 30 cause i said so

and no military service does not exist

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