Chapter 43: A mystery for Maudie (Part 2)

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One of my best


(Just a bit) messy ngl

(Managed to fit in 1 Asoue reference)

(I THINK I have checked it enough)


Everything looks about ready.


I feel like somethings missing....

"Ezra, what do you think of having a marching band?" I asked.

Ezra looked at me.

"Are you insane? This is a confession, not a parade." Ezra asked.

"Yeah, it's a bit too much." I said.

But it would definitely be more fun.

"Did anyone say marching band?" Kyle said excitedly  as he suddenly appeared behind us.

"I did. Ezra's not so fond on the idea." I said.

"Ezra? Are you crazy? I would surprise Ava with a marching band if I could." Kyle said.

I giggled.

It's adorable and sweet

"Maudie deserves a lot but she's not the super-over-the-top type." Ezra asked.

I nodded.

I guess that's true.

"Anyways, are you done blowing up all 20 of the balloons?" I asked Kyle.

"Uh, Is it wrong I only blew up 7?" Kyle asked.

I facepalmed.

"To be fair, he's been more productive than we expected ." Ezra said.

I nodded.

"I'll help Kyle with the rest of the balloons, Ezra are you done with the surprise?" I asked.

"Uh yeah, just need to finish up some last minute adjustments." Ezra said.

"Okay good, Maudie's probably going to be here in half an hour so we have to hurry up." I said.

Kyle and Ezra nodded.

Kyle filled the balloons up with helium, I tied the balloons to the strings and tied them in a bunch

Ezra Is on his laptop finishing up the cherry on top of the whole confession.

I really can't wait to see Maudie's reaction.

I am 100 percent sure she will love this.

Maudie POV

I've been to a cafe, library, cupcake store, park and a post office.

And now I am in front of some antique store.

I walked in.

I really hope this is the last place...

Windchimes graced my entrance as I walked in.

There was an old woman at the cash register.

She had shaggy grey hair and a frail body.

She looked kind of looked familiar

She gave me a warm smile.

"Hello sweetie, Welcome to my antique shop." The old woman greeted.

I smiled back as I walked over to her.

"Good afternoon, I'm Maudie Miller from the InBESTigators and I-" I said.

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