Chapter 1: The beginning

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HEY Omg im making another fanfic of a sweet ship. So basically this is when theyre all 13 and theyre business expanded. You will see the rest as you read.

Also since it's my first chapter, would you mind voting for it? (it's okay if u don't wanna)



Ezra POV

Today is pretty much a quiet day for the InBESTigators so far.

Its not just today, it was the same yesterday too.

I looked at Maudie as she fiddled with her notebooks elastic.

Ava was braiding her hair and Kyle was staring at a pen.

Dont ask why but Kyle does that often.

I sighed loudly.

"Its okay Ez, we will get a case soon." Maudie said. "I can feel it." Maudie continued.

Then the door flew open.

"I have a case for you." A man that looked about 17 said frantically.

Me, Kyle and Ava's jaws dropped.

Did i mention that Maudie was some kind of psychic?

The man had Black hair and a frail body.

He basically looked like the older version of me.

"Details please." Maudie said standing up and picking up her pen.

"Someone Faked a secret admirer letter to my sister as a joke." He said.

"Okay, now whats your name?" Maudie said scribbling down notes.

"Leonard. Leonard Baker." Leonard said.

"Sister's name?" Maudie asked.

"Juli Baker." Leonard said.

"Now have a seat and tell us what happened." Maudie said as she motioned him to sit down.

He sat down and he started telling Maudie the whole story.

I couldn't focus somehow.

I really admire Maudie.

When she's on the job, she acts like a true professional.


I have been feeling nervous around Maudie these days.

Im afraid ill say or do something stupid.

I also have the weird urge to impress her-

My thoughts were interrupted with Ava's voice.

"Pssst Ezra, get the refreshments. I cant do it because i got stuck to Kyle." Ava whispered as she rolled her eyes and glared at Kyle.

"How did that even happen?" I whispered back as i looked at their hands.

"Kyle got superglue on his hand and he thought it would be funny to touch my hand. Go get the refreshments while i get our hands unstuck." Ava whispered still glaring at Kyle as he gave a cheeky grin.

"Okay fine." I said as i stood up and walked to the fridge.

I grabbed the pitcher of lemonade.

I turned around and suddenly saw Maudie standing right in front of me

I accidentally dropped the plastic pitcher out of shock.

The lemonade spilled all over her denim overalls and the hard wood floor.

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