Chapter 33: The green room(Part 1)

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1000000000% NOT MY BEST


(STILL got writers block)


(Not much romantic things in this chapter)

(Checking for Grammar mistakes later cus i have something important to do lol)

Ezra POV

The set was very crowded.

All the staff were running around, lugging lights and cameras.

"How are we supposed to go through this?" Kyle asked.

"I have no idea...." I said.

"Everyone, join hands. So we don't get lost." Harriet said.

Harriet joined her hands with Ava's, Ava's other hand grabbed Kyle's, Kyle's other hand joined my hand, Maudie grabbed my other hand.

"Stay together." Harriet said.

Harriet started leading us through the set.

I was a bit scared of getting run over by some type of heavy light or camera.

Harriet finally stopped and we stopped too.

"Were finally here, your green room. Or alternatively, you can call it a resting room." Harriet said as she opened a door with a star on it.

We went in.

The green room looked amazing.

It had a mini fridge and a really big sofa bed.

"Awesome!" Kyle said in excitement

"I feel like a celebrity..." Ava said.

Maudie and I nodded in agreement.

We really did feel like celebrities.

This IS the first time we had been to a green room.

Better yet, it was ours for the day.

"So, do you like it?" Harriet asked.

"Like it? I LOVE IT." Ava said with a big smile on her face.

"Really? because i think this green room is rather small for 4 people..." Harriet said.


It was bigger than the whole InBESTigators office..

"I should have asked Hallen for a bigger room." Harriet said as she shook her head lightly.

"No, this is perfect." Maudie said.

"Yeah, We've never had a green room before." Ava said.

"Well great, i still have more duties to do. I'll call you when its time for the show." Harriet said.

We all nodded and Harriet left.

"I still can't believe we have our own room." Ava said as she walked around.

"I can." Kyle said as she flopped down on the sofa bed.

"We might as well get comfy." Maudie said as she sat down on the sofa bed.

"Maudie's right." I said as i sat down next to her.

"I guess so, the show doesn't start in like an hour." Ava said as she pulled out her phone

"Then why did we come so early?" Kyle said.

"The email said to come early..." Ava said as she scrolled through her phone.

"Well, this place is more comfortable than our room at Rosita's house anyways." I said.

Everyone nodded in agreement.

Maudie POV

Everyone did their own thing.

Ava is doing a LIVE and giving her viewers a tour or the green room.

Kyle and Ezra are helping themselves to the drinks in the fridge.

Ava then walked over to me.

"Say Hi to my viewers, Maudie!" Ava said.

"Hii!" I said as i waved my hand

Ava sat down next to me.

"I can't wait to be on LIVE TV, Maudie. How about you?" Ava asked.

"I can't wait too." I said.

"How are you feeling? The viewers want to know." Ava said.

"A little bit nervous, but really excited." I said.

"Same. It is a little bit nerve wrecking but i'm 100 percent sure that we're going to nail this." Ava said.

Not just a detective, MY detective (InBESTigators)🕵️Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum