(Short special chapter)

602 11 11

100000000% NOT MY BEST


Nothing much going on honestly

Chapter will sound like it is written by a 7 year old.

(Got writers block again)


Maudie POV 

Ezra and I talked for a long time

It was really fun.

I then yawned.

"Ez, we should go back." I said as I stood up.

"Yeah." Ezra said.

"Can we go back by the window?" I asked with a big smile on my face.

"No way, going down was one thing. Going up is another. Lets go." Ezra said as he started walking.

"Fine, wait up." I said catching up to him.

We walked back to the room quietly.

Ava and Kyle are probably asleep by now.

So is Aunt Rosita but i don't really care if we wake her up or not.

When we got there, i saw the most surprising yet kind of expected thing.

Ava and Kyle sleeping together on Ava's bed.

"Oh my god." Ezra and I whispered in unison.

"This is so cute." I gushed.

"What happened here?" Ezra whispered.

"I don't know, probably something romantic."  I smiled.

A/N Dirty mind test right there :)

"Yuck." Ezra said.

"Oh shush. Just 20 minutes ago you were talking about your dream girl." I said.

"Fine i guess so." Ezra said.

"Anyways, we should get to sleep. Big day tomorrow." I whispered.

Ezra nodded and we went our separate ways to our beds.

I felt really tired so I felt so happy to feel the soft duvet covers Ava had lent me.

Ezra POV

I couldn't sleep.

My feelings for Maudie has gotten stronger tonight.

She's the only thing in my head now.

I NEED TO confess to her.

But how?

Kyle is right.

I'm too chicken.

Why would Maudie like me?

She's so smart, funny and clever.

I'm just her best friend.

If i DO confess.

There are two possibilities.

If she accepts, we would probably be together

She rejects, our friendship would be ruined.

Should i take such a risk?

If I don't, I have to stuff these feelings for Maudie for a long time.




Thats it.

Im confessing.

I don't care what her answer is.

I just have to.

How will i do it?

A/N I will not be giving a clue on how he is going to because i want it to be a surprise.

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