Chapter 41: The worst and not so worst night ever

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I have a feeling yall are gonna hate and love this chapter at the same time.

Wonderful WEEK to have writers block ._.

Idk how to phrase some stuff

NOT MY BEST (As per usual)



(I THINK I have checked it enough)

Kinda rushed ngl

Will look like it is written by a 9 year old


Everything is ready

The food, the music, the decorations.

"This is going to be one of the best parties ever." I said excitedly.

Then suddenly i heard a loud from roar the night sky.

Maudie rushed to the window

"A thunderstorms happening..." Maudie said.

Why would all the times would there be a thunderstorm right now?

"We have to cancel the party. It's not safe for our guests to get out there." Ezra said.

"Come on, a little thunderstorm can't-" I said.

Lightning struck a tree outside the house.

All of us froze in shock

"Yeah, we definitely have to cancel." Maudie said.

Those words kicked in.

I knew she was right.

"What??" I whined.

All our hard work for nothing.

"Besides, who would come if the weather's like this?" Maudie asked.

I guess she had another point.

I flopped down on the bed and screamed into a pillow.

"Ava, It's fine. We can all still have fun together ." Kyle said.

I sat up, looked at him and slowly smiled.

"I guess so...." I said.

"We can watch movies on my laptop." Maudie suggested.

"And we can binge on the food we ordered." Ezra said.

I gave a big smile.

"You guys are the best." I said.

"That's just what friends.... and apparently boyfriend's do." Maudie said.

She walked over to her bag and pulled out her laptop.

Ezra brought the bags of food to the bed.

Kyle dimmed the lights and sat next to me.

Even though Rosita's a horrible person.

I have to give her credit for the dimmable lights.

I then suddenly realized something.

I pulled out my phone and started messaging our guests to stay home.

"What are you doing?" Kyle asked.

"Oh, I'm just telling our guests that the parties cancelled." I said.

"Wouldn't they already know?" Maudie asked as she sat down next to me.

"Just in case." I said.

I set my phone down and sighed.

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