(Short special chapter)

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Okay the reason why Kyle is like this. Is because he matured and tries to be a gentleman for Ava.

Kyle POV

Everyone had finished unpacking and we were all doing our own thing

Ava is dusting the room with a feather duster.

I have no idea where she got that from.

Maudie is watching Ezra do some techy stuff on his laptop.

And i am lying down on the bed and im super bored.

There's only one thing left to do.

Annoy Ava.

Nah maybe i should help her..

Just to be nice.

She seems stress and upset because of Rosita.

I don't want her to feel worse

I got up from my bed and approached her.

"Hey Ava, What are you doing?" I asked.

"Dusting. before one of us develops some type of allergy." Ava said.

"Can i help?" I asked.

"What's the catch?" Ava said as she stopped dusting and looked at me.

"No catch." I said.

"Okay then, i think i have an extra feather duster in my Rose pink bag." Ava said as she continued dusting.

I walked over to her pile of bags

They were all pink.

"Ava they're all pink...." I said.

"I know, the other feather duster is in the ROSE pink bag." Ava said.

Rose pink?

There's more than one type of pink?

"Uhh What pink?" I said.

Ava slapped her hand on her forehead and walked over to me.

"THIS is rose pink." Ava said as she picked up a pink bag.

"I'm sorry." I said

Ava then looked at me.

"I'm sorry im a bit Rude. i'm still angry about this whole Rosita thing.. Maudie and her mum deserve so much better ." Ava said as she sighed.

"I understand." I said.

"Really?" Ava said as she looked me in the eye.

"Yeah really. I also kinda like it when your bossy." I admitted

"Why?" Ava asked.

"I don't know, i just like it a lot ." I said.

Ava slowly smiled and give me a hug.

"If you say so. " Ava said.

"Okay Ava pull back now. This is revolting." I said trying to act disgusted.

Okay i admit, i kinda like it.

I can't admit that to Ava

I just can't.

"Okay fine." Ava said as she pulled back.

She rolled her eyes and smiled.

"Okay now get the Feather duster and get cleaning!" Ava said in a demanding voice.

I saluted and we both laughed.

I then grabbed the feather duster and started dusting the room.

I could feel Ava smiling.

I'm just glad i made her happy.

Not just a detective, MY detective (InBESTigators)🕵️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora