Chapter 18: The beach (Part 1)

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(Not my best)

Feel free to comment down anything :D

A small mix of Victorious and Takagi-san references

(Time skip to when they are at the beach and having a fun time)

Ezra POV

I buried my toes in the sand while looking at Maudie

She was wearing a yellow tankini...

Honestly this is the first time i saw her in one.

She usually wears a black full body bathing suit.

She told me she forgotten her bathing suit at her house so she had to borrow one of Ava's spares.

A/N Ik their called 'bathers' but like i prefer the word bathing suit

I can't look at her without heating up a bit.

Its really just embarrassing for some reason.

Im just not used to it.

Maudie and Ava are splashing each other with water.

I admired Maudie from afar.

"You really are obsessed with Maudie, aren't you?" A voice said.

I turned around and saw Kyle.

Where did he come from?

"N-no. Im not obsessed. I just really really like her." I said.

"Sure you do." Kyle said sitting next to me.

While the girls had their Girl talk yesterday we had our own little chat too.

I told him how i felt about Maudie.

And surprisingly he was quite mature about it

"So when are you asking her out?" Kyle asked.

"Oh no. I can't do that. I literally got bro-zoned by her. That's way worse then the friend-zone" I said.

"Just try." Kyle said.

"I will when the time is right." I said.

The girls started approaching us.

My heart started beating faster as Maudie came closer and closer.

"Im bored.. lets do something fun." Ava said.

"Like what?" Maudie asked.

"I don't know, but im suddenly really thirsty." Ava said.

"I think i saw a lemonade stand nearby." Kyle said.

"Great lets get some." Ava smiled.

"Race you there." Kyle said already getting ready to run.

He bolted away

"That's not fair i wasn't ready and i have no idea where the Lemonade stand is!" Ava said running after Kyle.

Maudie and I snickered.

"I guess its just the two of us now." Maudie said sitting down next to me

"Yeah..." I said.

"What do you want to do now?" Maudie asked as he leaned her head on my shoulder.

"I don't know." I mumbled.

Suddenly a random cute little girl approached us.

She looked she was about 7 years old.

"Oooooooh, a couple!" The little girl said in a squeaky voice.

Maudie giggled and started patting her head.

"We're not together. We're just really close friends." Maudie smiled.

"But you guys look like your in love with each other." She said.

"But were not..." I said smiling nervously

"Anyways, what's your name? How old are you?" Maudie asked.

"Yvette. I'm 7!" The little girl said.

"Yvette is such a nice name. Where is your mum?" Maudie asked looking around

"I don't know..." Yvette said looking around.

"We'll help you find her." Maudie said standing up.

Maudie is REALLY good with younger children.

That's why Poppy loves her.

"Yay!" Yvette cheered.

"Come on Ezra, lets help this cute little girl out." Maudie smiled.

I stood up and nodded.

Maudie grabbed me and Yvette's hand.

"Lets go." Maudie smiled.

"Wait! What about our stuff?" I asked.

"Oh right..." Maudie said.

Kyle and Ava got back.

Perfect timing.

"We got some pink lemonade for both of you too!" Ava said handing us the pink lemonades

"What makes it pink? I don't see any pink lemons.." I asked as we grabbed a cup from her.

"Uh...You know its because- Yeah why is the lemonade pink?" Ava said.

"Anyways, even though i would love to explain how pink lemonade is made. We need to help Yvette find her mum." Maudie said.

"What?" Ava and Kyle said.

Maudie explained the whole thing to them.

" I wanna come too..." Ava whined.

"But then no one will look after our stuff." Maudie said.

"Kyle can do that." Ava said.

"But he will be lonely.." Maudie said.

We all know that Maudie just wanted Kyle and Ava to spend more time together.


"Fine. I guess we can make sand mermaid tails." Ava said.

"Sand mermaid tails?" Kyle asked.

"You'll see what i mean later." Ava said.

"Okay then have fun." Maudie said.

The three of us walked away.

"Im guessing we should ask the lifeguards questions first." Maudie said.

"Great idea." I said.

"Im thirsty." Yvette complained.

"Here, have my Lemonade." Maudie said handing it to her.

"Yum Thanks!" She said as she happily sipped it.

"That's really nice of you Maudie." I said.

"Thank you." Maudie smiled.

We got to one of the Lifeguard towers.

"Excuse me sir but i have to ask you some question.." Maudie said.

I looked at Maudie, then at Yvette.

At least all this distracted me from Maudie's tankini

Oh no.

Correction, At least it distracted me.

For a while.

Yvette and I sipped our lemonade as Maudie asked the lifeguard some questions.

I was trying really hard to concentrate but i couldn't.

I know i should be excited because finding Yvette's mum is like a brand new mystery to solve.

But i can't for some reason

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