Chapter 16: Girl talk

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Sorry i didn't update yesterday.

I spent half the day brainstorming ideas for chapters.

Now im back:D

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Maudie POV

Reading a book with Ezra is very fun.

We get to discuss the topic of the book.

Sometimes we debate our opinions

I Always win but...

Sometimes its nice letting him win.

A/N So basically im just gonna put my old primary school science knowledge here so its not 100% accurate

"Oh so the Nucleus main function is to Control the activities in a cell..." Ezra said.

"No its not." I said.

"What? How can it not be?" Ezra asked.

"Yes it is one of the functions. But the main function is to contain and pass on DNA." I said.

Ezra took a closer look at the book.

"Oh." Ezra said as his face turned pink with embarrassment.

"Told you." I smiled.

Ava and Kyle came over to us.

Ava is covering Kyle's face with a towel


"What's up with the towel?" Ezra asked.

"Well i gave Kyle a makeover and im using this towel to build suspense." Ava said.

"Okay, show us then." I said.

"I present you...... Kyle 2.0!" Ava said revealing Kyle's face.

It was silent.

But Ezra cracked up.

"Kyle you look so stupid." Ezra laughed.

"I know Ezra, I know..." Kyle said.

"I think he looks fabulous." Ava smiled.

"Same here. That red lipstick and blue eyeshadow really suits him. Why didn't you add some blush?" I said.

"Oh cause his face was pretty pink just now... " Ava said.

"Oh really? Ezra's face does that often too." I said.

"Actually Maudie, can i see you outside? I wanna do a little girl talk." Ava said.

"Sure?" I said.

It was random but i agreed.

We started walking to the door.

"Wait, WHAT DO I DO ABOUT MY FACE?" Kyle shouted after us as we walked out of the room.

"Put rice on it!" I joked.

Me and Ava giggled as we closed the door.

"Is there anywhere private?" Ava asked.

"The porch." I said.

"Great, lets go." Ava said.

We slowly crept downstairs.

Aunt Rosita fell asleep on the sofa.

We carefully opened the door.

We went to the porch and found a huge boulder to sit on.

Not just a detective, MY detective (InBESTigators)🕵️Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora