She nodded her head. We were talking about this for a while I glad when she didn't run for the hills. But I made sure no harm will come from her no matter what because if they did. I would end their life. I let it slip that I had killed Armani you know what she did?

She laughed.

She laughed like there was no tomorrow. Now that scared me a bit but I had to join her on that one. It was just too funny that she found amusement in all this. She was becoming one of my closes friends and for the first time. I didn't feel like pushing her away. Not one bit.


We were sitting in the food court now I had successfully found a dress I think Strider will love. It was a nice strapless silk summer dress that reached the floor. It was a soft baby blue. I loved it! We paired it off with some white cream gladiator sandals. A cute little owl neckless. I was all set I couldn't wait for tonight. I've been trying all day to get Maya to tell me what he has planned but she was good. Too good if you asked me.

I took a bite into my pizza "So are you planning on having any kids?" A random question to ask.

Maya looked thoughtful for a few seconds. "Yes, I would love to have kids but with the heat of the Skulls building up. It might not be the best thing, you know."

"Bullshit. I say if you want kids right now then do it. You should let someone like the Skulls say when or how you can have kids. It's your life not theirs."

She nodded collectively "True, Very true. I'll talk to him to see what he thinks about making our family bigger."

"That's my girl." We both laughed and continued our lunch.

Maya was something else. She made me feel better about hiding my secret from Strider. To tell him when the time is right I just hope he doesn't turn his back on me when he finds out. It would just kill me if he does. Brian said that if I were to master turning off my emotions. Like he's been trying to teach me. It wouldn't matter what Strider has to say. 'A secret this big is always meant to say a secret.' As he put it.

This world can a dark place to be few people are up for this type of life. That is why we mainly want full blooded. So pops says. I have learned many things about this family within the last few months. I was in a total head spin or as Justin puts it. A mind fuck. That boy can be so stupid sometimes I swear but got to love him. He is like a rainbow in a duel day. Shaking my head got to love him.

I was now pulling up to the house with Maya she was going to help me with my hair and make-up. I told her to keep it light I was never one for make up any how. I walked in to be greeted but a very happy Elijah.

He was hyper off candy.

"Mama, mama! Look what I made." He waved this little picture in the air. My eyes followed it to see what it was.

Looking over at Maya "You have to deal with this the rest of the night." She smiled and shook her head.

I took the picture from him and smiled it was a nice little drawing of us. "I love it! How about you tell daddy to put it on the fridge?" He jumped up and down and took off running yelling daddy at the top of his lungs.

Laughing I walked into my room putting the bags on the bed when arms snaked around my waist. "What did you get? Something sexy I hope."

"I'm not tell you. Because you Sir. Have to wait till tonight." He grunted dropping his head to my neck.

His breath fanned me lightly "You're such a tease." He pressed his lips to my neck then looked into my eyes "I'll be home to pick you about eight. So be ready by then. I'm going to go set up for what I have planned for you."

I didn't miss the Pride shining through his eyes. This was something he was very passionate about. Standing on my tippy toes I kissed his lips "Okay, be careful and I love you."

Returning the favor he kissed my lips. Once. Twice. Three time. "I love you too, baby."

I smiled waving goodbye as he left with Hayden. I hopped that this was going to be a night to remember. This was also my first date but he does not have to know that I'll just keep this to myself. After calming down Elijah enough so he was able to sit down and watch a movie. I went to shower so I was able to get ready for tonight.

Love was truly something else.


"You out did yourself, brother." Aiden smacked my back.

Looking around the gazebo I was proud of my work the sunset was going to hit perfect right here. With the help of the boys I was able to put up some white lights with some red and white roses. I didn't even know I had this in me. After the sunset and we had dinner we were going to go for a little walk around the lake. This girl was making me so fucking nervous that my hands were shaking a bit.

I was going to propose to her tonight.

I didn't tell my boys that because they have a big mouth and the whole club would know. But I wanted it just to be our moment. One where we both know that it is between her and me. Our own special moment I was going to do it right. No. I am not putting the ring in the desert or anything like that. I was going to do it under the stars where I get down on one knee. Because a man should only kneel to his Queen.

She's my Queen.

I couldn't wait for the day I get to call her my wife! She will have my last name. I felt myself getting hard just thinking about seeing her in a wedding dress. Only for me to only have it ripped off her later that night. Shaking my head of the thought I need to save that for later tonight.

If you catch my drift.

After adding the last few touches we jumped on our bikes and headed to Hayden's so I can get ready. From there I was going to pick up Val and bring her back here. I was pumped for tonight it was the start of our new life together. I will say it, hell I'll even scream it and I don't care who hears it.

I'm in love with you Valentina!


I'm freaking out a bit! lol He is going to propose to Val How cute is that? After all a king should only kneel for his Queen hehe. anyways till next time!



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