Unwanted guest

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Jade's POV

A little while after Scarlett leaves to pick up Rose I hear a knock at my door. Maybe Scarlett forgot something or just wanted to come back to my place after picking her up.

I make my way to the door and open it. As I see who's standing in front of me, my eyebrows furrow.

"What are you doing here?" I ask him. "You ruined my relationship, the least you could do is explain why you had to take my girlfriend away from me." He responds.

"Colin, you ruined your own relationship. I was never trying to date Scarlett when you were together." I try to explain to him. "That's not true. You had to make moves in order for her to even be interested in the likes of you." He spat. I raise a single eyebrow at him.

"The likes of me? I'll try not to be offended by that. What I'm telling you is true, whether you believe it is your own problem. You might want to just accept that you ruined it with her." I let him know honestly. He just stares at me angrily in response.

Our staring contest is interrupted by my phone ringing. I take it and see that Scarlett is calling me. I want to answer it, but Colin snatches my phone out of my hand. Oh no he didn't just-. "SEE, why is she even calling you?! It should be me she's calling." He yells.

For an adult, he sure is childish. I try to grab my phone but he holds it out of my reach. "Give me back my phone." I say sternly. He refuses and I leap for it. In response, he decides that it is a good idea to punch me in the face.

My head jolts back slightly at the contact. I dodge the second punch and slam my fist to his jaw. He falls to the floor and drops my phone, destroying the screen. He scrambles up and hits me straight in the nose, ouch. I decide to take extreme measures and kick him in the nuts, causing him to fold over in pain. I knee him in the face, straight to the nose.

"Leave me the fuck alone and don't come back. Or I'll make sure you will never be able to get any kids." I seethe at him as I grab him and push him out of my driveway, throwing him to the pavement. He slowly gets up and walks away. "This isn't over." He says in a pathetic attempt to look tough.

I walk back over to my front door, wiping the blood from my nose. I would not be surprised if it's broken. He might look like a wimp, but he's surprisingly strong. I grab my shattered phone and try to turn it on. Not to my surprise, it fails to do so.

I walk inside of my home, lock the door, and make my way to the bathroom. I clean all the blood and can see that my nose is indeed a little crooked. Damn it. I am not looking forward to those medical bills. Once I was done I saw that there was blood on my shirt. I took it off and threw it in the washer.

I walk back to the bathroom, put on some music and get in the shower to clean myself. I think back to what just happened and it seems a little surreal. I just fought someone for the first time in my life. I'm lucky that I work out and am strong, otherwise, it may have ended very differently.

My thoughts get drowned out by the music and hot water that's relaxing my muscles. After about thirty minutes of just standing there and slowly cleaning myself, I get out. I dry myself, being careful not to touch my nose. Of course, I do and hiss at the pain.

I look at myself in the mirror and can tell that I'll have a nice big bruise on my face. Chicks dig that right? Let's hope Scarlett at least does. Shit, Scarlett... I completely forgot that she tried calling me and now I can't even text or call her back.

I decide to walk over to her house, since it was close to where I live. Once I get to the front door I hesitate to knock. What will she even think? I decide to ignore my thoughts and knock on the door. She has to know what Colin did.

The door opens and I immediately hear a loud gasp coming from her mouth. I give her a tight smile before she pulls me into a hug. "What happened?!" She asks as she pulls me inside.

"Your ex happened. He showed up at my door to tell me that it's my fault you two broke up. Then you called, to which he snatched my phone. I tried to take it back, but he punched me in the face. We fought and he eventually left after I kicked him in the nuts and kneed him in the face. I think he broke my nose though." I explain to her. I think I could see steam coming out of her ears from anger.

"I'm calling the cops and we're going to tell them what happened. He showed up at my door and told me he wanted to get back together. I told him that I was happy with you and he needed to fuck off. He told me I'd regret it and walked away. A little after that I called you. So I'm guessing he went straight to your house after he left me." She tells me. That would explain his anger and why he came to me.

"How does he even know where I live. Did you tell him?" I asked her. She shakes her head as she gets on the phone with the cops.

Soon after, officers show up and we share our testimony. We decided to get a restraining order against him, but not have him be arrested. He will have to give me money to buy a new phone, so all in all I'm happy.

We say goodbye to the officers and I get ready to leave for the doctor's office. Scarlett looks at me apologetically. "I'm so sorry that you got dragged into this. It hurts me seeing you hurt." She says as she avoids eye contact with me. My heart breaks a little at the sight.

"Hey, look at me." I say as I grab her chin. "None of this is your fault. It's his. Even if he causes all of these issues, I still wouldn't give you up." I tell her honestly. I give her a quick kiss on the forehead as I walk over to the front door. "I'll be back soon, just need to get this fixed." I say as I gesture to my face. Scarlett chuckles and gives a small wave of goodbye.

The doctor manages to put my nose back in its place and puts a splint over it. It looks pretty stupid and I feel a little embarrassed walking around with it. The doctor told me to wear it for a week, so I'll have to wear it as I leave for Greece too. Thanks, Colin.

I get back to Scarlett's house and can already smell that she's cooking. I ring the bell and soon after I'm greeted by Scarlett. She pulls me in for a long hug and pulls me inside.

"How did it go?" She asks as she moves back behind the stove. "As you can tell I look incredible." I joke, causing her to roll her eyes. "I have to wear this thing for a week. The doctor set it back in place nicely though. I'll probably have a lot of bruises on my face, but that's fine." I shrug.

She looks at me apologetically at first, but then smirks. "It honestly looks a little hot. I don't know what it is, maybe it's the idea that you fought for me." She winks. I blush a little and smirk in response. "Only for you."

The rest of the night went by pretty quickly and soon me and Scarlett were getting ready for bed. She let me borrow some pyjamas and we laid down on the bed. I put my arm around her and she laid her head down on my chest with her arm wrapped around my waist. Soon after, we both drifted off to sleep.

Behind the Camera (Scarlett Johansson x female reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant