First day on set

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Scarlett's POV

Today is the day me and Jade start filming the documentary. I got the all-clear from the Russo brothers that she could join me on set. She just couldn't film the actual set itself, but walking around it and filming me was fine.

I gave the rest of the cast members a heads up of what we were going to be working on these next few weeks so they would not be surprised. They all responded with excitement and couldn't wait to meet Jade.

We agreed that she'd come to set at 9, which was in an hour. I was already there just to give all the people I would work with for the day a heads up.

As 9 AM rolled around I heard a knock on my trailer door. I opened it and saw a smiling Jade. If I were honest with myself she had to be one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen.

"Good morning!" She said. I stepped aside to let her into my trailer. "Morning Jade, you excited about today?" I asked her. The smile did not leave her face as she nodded. We both took a seat at the table that was in the corner of my trailer and discussed what we were going to film today.

"I'm thinking that we start with a few shots of you in your trailer and also some shots where you walk towards the set with me following behind you." Jade started explaining to me. She had a very clear vision of how she wanted the documentary to look.

"Okay. What do you want me to do?" I asked her. "Just do everything you would normally do in a day. I'll ask you questions throughout the day when appropriate." She explained. She sounded like she knew what she was doing, so I trusted her.

"I just need to put this microphone pack on you if that's alright." She notified me. I nodded "yes of course."

She got up and grabbed the microphone. I stood up so she could get it on me better. She put the battery pack or connector thing in my waistband. I felt oddly warm having her so close to me. I became very aware of my breathing.

She stood up in front of me with the microphone wire. She held it up to me and asked "I have to put this under your shirt so you don't see the wire. You can also do it yourself if you don't feel comfortable with me doing it."

It was kind of her to ask for my consent. "No it's fine. I don't want to mess it up so you do it." I told her. She nodded and pulled my shirt up a bit. She put her hand under my shirt and pulled the microphone through the collar. This whole time I was holding my breath, secretly enjoying this a little too much.

She attached the end of the microphone to my collar. "There you go" she said with a smile. "Now I just need to turn it on and we should be good for the rest of filming."

She finished her setup and I did as I was told and got ready for the day. I walked around set, simultaneously introducing Jade to the rest of the cast and crew. Everyone was very welcoming towards her.

As I walked up to Lizzie, I noticed her taking a longer glance at Jade. She seemed interested. "Hi Lizzie, this is Jade, the videographer I told you about." I said as I gestured to Jade, who was standing next to me.

Lizzie stuck out her hand out towards Jade, who gladly took it. "Nice to meet you Jade, I love your work." Lizzie said. "Likewise miss Olsen. I loved you in Wind River. Great movie" Jade responded. Always with the chivalrous introductions.

"Please, call me Lizzie. All my friends do and anything else sounds way too formal for my liking." She joked. "Alright, Lizzie. Don't mind me today, I'll just follow Scarlett around set. I won't bother you." Jade replied.

"Oh please, you could never bother me." Lizzie said with a wink before walking towards her trailer. She was clearly making moves on Jade, who just smiled in response.

I just walked on towards the fitting room, where I would get my suit adjusted. Jade followed along with the camera, still very careful to film everything. The rest of the day I kept thinking about her and Lizzie's encounter earlier. Would Jade be interested in Lizzie? Why am I even thinking about this?

I shrugged it off and focused on my work, not wanting to be distracted by having a stunning woman around me all day with who my Lizzie is flirting every chance she gets. 

Behind the Camera (Scarlett Johansson x female reader)Where stories live. Discover now