Meeting up

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Jade's POV

The next morning I woke up at around 8AM, wanting to get a quick workout in before I had my meeting with Scarlett. I got ready and put on my workout clothes before leaving.

I decided to train my arms and shoulders today, which took me about an hour before I absolutely had to leave. I got home and took a thorough shower, wanting all traces of sweat and stench off of me.

After my shower I chose on a casual outfit. Deciding on some sand coloured slacks with a white T-shirt. I looked at the clock and saw that I had to leave. It would take about fifteen minutes for me to walk to the cafe.

As I walked in the cafe, I noticed it was not that crowded and easily spotted the blonde woman I've been looking for. She was on her phone, probably taking care of some business. I walked over to the table with a smile on my face.

"Good morning" I said to her. She immediately smiled at me and put her phone down.

"Morning!" She replied. I saw that she didn't have any coffee yet. "Did you order already?" She shook her head. "Alright, what would you like? I'll order right now since I'm still standing."

"I'll get a cappuccino, thanks" she said with a slight rasp when she pronounced 'cappuccino. I nodded to her and walked over to the counter, giving our order to the barista and pointing to where we are sitting.

As I got back to the table, Scarlett seemed to be studying me. I understood it, since we only met once briefly. "He'll bring our order to the table soon." I told her.

"Great, thank you." She said. "So, about the project." She started.

"Yes. I have my notebook with me and I already wrote down three ideas that I'd like to run by you to see what you want to do." I told her as I grabbed my notebook from my purse.

"Before I share my ideas, did you already have something in mind that you want to focus on?" I asked before opening the notebook.

"I actually kind of do. I wanted it to be some kind of portrait documentary that follows me around and kind of shows the life of an actress." She suggested. I smiled, knowing we are on the same line there.

"I actually had the same idea. What I was thinking, was that we showcase you behind the scenes. So the life of an actress, not just when you work, but also everything around it. One aspect could be what it is like working in the industry as a woman. I know that you've been highly sexualised by many in the industry and wanted to use this as an opportunity to perhaps address it."

She smiled and nodded along as I explained the idea. "That sounds like a great plan. I'm working on a new movie right now until next month. Perhaps you can follow me along on set and at the premiere as well. And then do some interview sessions as well where I talk about my experiences."

"That would be amazing! But we need to make sure that I know what and who I can and cannot film on set. I don't want to get in trouble." I joked with a wink. She nodded in understanding.

"I'll contact the producers and director and let you know. But I think it sounds like a great plan. When would you be able to start? I have to be on set Tuesday, so maybe then? That gives you two days to prepare."

I was glad she kept in mind the preparations I may need to do before we start, such as picking the right equipment. "Sounds good. And make sure you get the right permissions. If that all goes through, then we'll start this Tuesday." I responded with a smile.

We had both finished our coffees at this point and finished the formalities of the agreement.

"So Jade, I'll need to know who will film me in my most intimate moments. Tell me a bit about yourself." Scarlett told me.

"Well, where do I start. I'm 35 years old and born and raised in New York. I work a lot with National Geographic, Discovery channel and VICE, but am willing to collaborate with anyone as long as the project interests me." I started. She seemed very interested in what I was telling her, because she could not look away from me.

"I studied Media, Culture and Communication at NYU, which would give me the opportunity and proper training to do what I do now. But to be honest, I hated studying." I joked making her chuckle. I really liked her laugh for some reason.

"Aside from that, I live alone. No pets, no partner or kids. Which I truly don't mind because it gives me time to focus on doing these bigger projects and travel around the world." I finished.

"You seem like a very interesting person." She said with a smirk on her face whilst maintaining eye contact. God, she really had beautiful eyes. Okay, focus Jade.

"I got really lucky in life I guess." I said. "But what about you? All I know is that you're an actress and your experience in that." I told her.

"Well, I'm born and raised in New York as well, Manhattan to be exact. I live with my partner Colin and my daughter Rose. And I have been acting for as long as I can remember." She explained.

Of course she's dating someone. How would sh be single. "You have a daughter? That's great! How old is she?" I decided to ask. This put a big smile on her face.

"She's five years old. She is in the stage where she asks about literally everything. It's so cute, but also exhausting." She chuckled. "You'll undoubtedly meet her during filming."

"I look forward to it. She sounds great." I said. She looked at her watch and widened her eyes. "Oh I have to go. I am running late for another appointment." She said as she quickly stood up, making me stand up as well.

"Thank you for the coffee and I'll see you Tuesday if everything goes to plan." She says while hugging me. The smell of her perfume invading my nose. She smelled like flowers and vanilla.

"No problem, we'll stay in touch." She nodded and made her way out of the cafe, looking over her shoulder one last time with a small wave. I paid for the coffees and left soon after.

Behind the Camera (Scarlett Johansson x female reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя