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Jade's POV

It has been four years since the best day of my life and Scarlett and I are doing better than ever. Sure, occasionally we have our disagreements, but what is a relationship without those? Anyway, a lot has happened in those four years. 

Scarlett and I bought a house together in Malibu (L.A.) after we got married, where we could raise our kids safely and still be close to friends and family. And yes, I said 'kids'. Scarlett and I decided to have a child together and I was the one who would carry it.

We got a sperm donor who seemed to be the right fit and actually met up with him just to make sure. He was a very kind and intelligent man who also had a good sense of humour and was honestly very good looking. I know that shouldn't matter, but I honestly do care what he looks like. What, have you seen how many ugly babies there are in this world?

When we told Rose I was pregnant, she freaked out and was so happy to become a big sister. She had always been an only child and couldn't wait to finally have a sibling to play with. She also could not resist constantly touching my stomach and talking to the fetus every night. It warmed my heart to see her so caring and excited.

Luckily, the pregnancy went as smoothly as they can go. Of course, the mood swings and morning sickness were far from pleasant, but Scarlett stood by my side the whole journey.

After nine long months, we finally had our baby boy. Let me tell you, delivering a baby is the worst pain I've ever experienced. Scarlett managed to leave the Black Widow set to be there for the delivery and to hold my hand while I was screaming profanities. 

When I finally pushed him out and got to hold him, I cried my eyes out from happiness. I was never really a big fan of kids to be honest but once I held my own son in my arms, my thoughts completely changed.

We decided to call him Ayden, which means 'little fire'. In the beginning he was a very loud cryer, which led to many sleepless nights. I guess we jinxed ourselves with his name. After his first birthday, he finally calmed down and became a very happy baby.

Now, we are one happy family of four (when Rose isn't staying with her dad, of course). I was filming some projects I wanted to work on and Scarlett also finished Black Widow. 

Tonight, the movie has officially premiered and I couldn't be more proud of Scarlett. This was the last Marvel movie she appeared in and it was an emotional moment for her.

"You okay love?" I asked her as we drove home from the premiere, noticing that she looked a little down. She sighed and gave a little shrug. "It feels so bittersweet. I spent ten years of my life working with Marvel and the cast. It's become such a big part of me that it feels weird to let go, but it also feels like the right time. Now I can focus on our family for a while before thinking about my next move." She explains.

I nod and grab her hand with mine, intertwining our fingers. "I understand. But you can always stay in touch with everyone, maybe even help produce a movie for them. This doesn't mean the end. But even if you decide to move on to something completely different, I will support you no matter what."

"Thanks, baby." She says with a smile.

We got home and I quickly made my way over to Scarlett's side of the car, opening the door for her and helping her out of the car. "Still such a gentlewoman" Scarlett joked. "Of course, M'lady" I said as we walked hand in hand to the front door.

As we open the door, we were greeted by our babysitter Lucy. "Welcome back! How was your evening?" She greeted. "Hi Lucy, we had a great time. How did it go with the kids?" Scarlett asked.

"They were a delight as always. We played a little and I read them some bedtime stories before they fell asleep." She explains. 

We said our goodbyes to Lucy and went upstairs to check on the kids. We first went to Rose's room, where she was sleeping peacefully with her stuffed giraffe in her arms. Then we went to Ayden's room across the hall. We quietly opened the door and saw that he was sleeping soundly with a night light and his stuffed elephant at his side. Scarlett and I looked at each other and mouthed an 'awe' before closing the door again.

We both cleaned up and got changed before plopping down on our bed. "You know they'll be awake tomorrow morning at like 6 A.M., while we're tired and hungover right?" Scarlett complains. I groan at the thought. It was already ten in the evening, which is normally pretty early, but not when you have a baby and another young child.

"Why did we decide to have another kid again?" I ask. Scarlett lets out a chuckle and lays her head on my chest. "I don't know, but it's the best decision we've made." 

I run my fingers through her hair and hum in agreement. "I'm glad I get to do this with you." I confess. I see her smile at my statement. "I'm glad I get to have an actual family with you too." She says.

I notice her eyes closing and feel my own eyes getting heavy. "Goodnight, love" I say to her. I hear her mumble a 'goodnight' too and soon we both fall into a deep sleep. I cannot believe I'm living my dream life right now.


A/N: And that signifies the end of 'Behind the camera'! Thank you all so much for reading and hopefully I'll see you at my next book :) 
(Might take a while, but I'm thinking of writing a Lizzie book)

PS: If the years/ages are messed up, sorry. I'm terrible at keeping track of everything... 😅

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