Jimmy Fallon

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Jade's POV

I was waiting anxiously for my name to be called. This wasn't my first interview, but I always got a little nervous about them. I usually stand behind the camera, not in front of it. I was never too fond of the attention.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard Jimmy Fallon introduce me.

"Our next guest is a world-famous photographer and videographer who recently won a Pulitzer Prize for her photo series about the homelessness crisis in California and has a documentary about that topic coming out next week on VICE. Please welcome, Jade Cosmer!"

I took a deep breath and put on a smile before walking out towards Jimmy, waving at the crowd as I did so. He hugged and greeted me. As I took a seat on the chair next to him he started the interview.

"Welcome, Jade!"

"Thank you for having me Jimmy" I responded with a smile.

"Congratulations on winning a Pulitzer! How are you feeling?"

"Thank you, thank you. It honestly feels great that I get to spread such an important message and know that people are actually paying attention to it."

"So you recently worked on a photo series about homelessness in California, for which you won the award. Do you have any exciting projects coming up?"

"I have a lot planned! My mind is always overflowing with new ideas. I can already tell you that in about two months I will be working on a documentary about the refugee crisis in Europe."

"That sounds exciting!" Jimmy says. "Now, when did you know you wanted to become a photographer and videographer?"

"We'd have to go way back in time Jimmy" I chuckled. "I think I was about five years old when I first held a camera. I instantly fell in love with it. My fascination for people kind of inspires my documentaries and photos. I was always interested in the way other people lived their lives and wanted to showcase them to the world. Some of these people's stories won't be known unless someone shares them."

The audience started clapping lightly in acknowledgement.

Ever since I was young I loved people-watching and wondering about their lives. During my college years, I discovered my love for visual storytelling. And now I'm sitting here talking to Jimmy Fallon for the whole world to see. Crazy how life works sometimes.

"That's beautiful Jade. Thank you so much for joining me today. Go see her photo exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art in New York and watch her documentary called 'Hidden Faces' for VICE, coming out next week. Jade Cosmer everybody!" Jimmy exclaimed as he gestured towards me, indicating to the audience to start clapping as I made my exit.

I walked backstage where some of the crew guided me through the halls back to the green room. I watched as the next guest made her entrance, Scarlett Johansson.

I had always admired her work and her work ethic. She has been highly sexualised in the industry but is somehow still such a strong woman. She inspired so many young girls and women to become actresses and has been speaking up against the sexualization of actresses. I can only applaud her for that.

I was packing my things and talking to some of the workers before deciding to leave. I walked out of the green room towards the exit of the building when I was stopped by someone calling my name.

"Excuse me, Jade Cosmer right?" A raspy voice asked. I turned around and was met with the one and only Scarlett Johansson.

"Yes, that's me." I replied with a kind smile. She walked up to me and stuck out her hand, which I gladly shook.

"I'm Scarlett" she introduced herself. "I know who you are miss Johansson. I love your work." I told her, causing her to smile.

"That's very kind of you and please, call me Scarlett. I saw some of your work before. It's honestly incredible and I love that you speak for those who do not get a voice in society" Scarlett speaks. "If you ever want to collaborate on a project, please call me. Here's my card." She says as she hands me a business card from her purse.

"I would love to collaborate sometime. I already have a few ideas in mind. Why don't we get coffee some time to discuss them?" I offered.

She nodded in response. "Sounds good. Text or call me and we'll set it up."

"Will do. I have to go, but it was nice to meet you Scarlett. I'll keep in touch." I smiled and walked away.

Behind the Camera (Scarlett Johansson x female reader)Where stories live. Discover now