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Jade's POV

Pain. That is all I feel. My eyes are still closed as my mind slowly shifts into consciousness. My body is screaming at me. I start to remember snippets of what happened that caused me to be in so much pain. Memories flash through my mind of the men kicking and hitting me. My eyes fight back the memories as they only increase my pain. I feel a hand on my arm, indicating that someone was trying to comfort me.

I force my eyes open slightly but quickly close them at the harsh lighting. I groan as a headache intensifies in response to the light. "Hey, you're okay." Someone says to me as they rub their thumb across my arm. I can't din the strength to speak yet, I just groan every once in a while as I keep my eyes shut. The person next to me stands up and signals for a doctor to come. Soon after two sets of footsteps walk in my direction.

"Miss Cosmer, could you nod if you are conscious?" A man asks me. I nod in response. "Can you open your eyes for me?" I shake my head. He's quiet for a moment before I hear footsteps and suddenly the lights in the room turn off. "Could you try opening them for me now?" He asks again.

I slowly open my eyes and notice the room is darker, which feels a lot more comfortable for my eyes. It takes my eyes a moment to adjust to the room. I first notice all the wires I'm hooked up to and feel a breathing tube under my nose. I look to my left and see a doctor standing there.

 "Hello miss Cosmer. My name is doctor Galanis and you are in Lesbos' public hospital." He explains. I just stare blankly at him, not knowing how to respond. I remember there was another person, so I try to turn my head to look further to my left.

That's when I see Ava sitting next to me with a slight smile. "Hi Jade." She greets. I give her a slight smile in return, wondering how she knows I'm here. I can't really speak too well yet, since my face feels like it's falling off. I give the doctor a questioning look.

"Do you remember what happened?" He asks me. I give him a nod. "We did some scans and found that you have suffered multiple injuries." He starts. I wait for him to list them, not very excited to hear it. "You have a concussion, a broken jaw, broken ribs and had a perforated lung." He says. That explains why my body is in so much pain. I nod and look at the blanket covering me. "I have notified your emergency contact miss Johansson of what happened and you will be transferred to a hospital near her to continue your treatment. We just need to make sure you can travel safely." He says.

I start to think about what this must mean to Scarlett. She must have been heartbroken by the news. Ava notices I'm deep in thought and rubs my arm, trying to console me. "I managed to get you this back." She says as she reaches behind her and pulls out my camera. She must have somehow taken it out of the water. I start to feel tears falling down my face.

"I was there when it happened and saw someone throw a camera in the water. I quickly went to retrieve it, not even knowing it was you that was being attacked. The camera itself is ruined, but the memory card still looks good." She explains. I smile at her in thanks, still not trusting my voice completely. She notices my hesitation and goes to grab a cup of water. I take a few sips and put the cup back down.

"Thank you." I manage to croak out. It hurts to speak, but I need to understand what happened and what will happen from now on. "How long until I recover?" I ask the doctor. "It will likely take a few weeks for you to feel better. The main issue is your lung, which was luckily not too serious, but enough to take weeks to recover from. You will have to stay here another day before we carefully transfer you to an L.A. hospital, where you will probably stay three more days at least. After that, it's mainly rest and recovery." He explains.

I nod along with his explanation. Despite this messed up situation, it does mean probably I get to see Scarlett tomorrow or the day after that. I look at Ava. "Could you get my things from the hotel room?" She nods and squeezes my hand before walking away. I'm glad that someone I know is by my side, but I'd rather have it be Scarlett. I need to make sure to keep Ava at a safe distance.

After a few hours, Ava comes back with all my things packed and ready to go. "Thank you for helping me, Ava. I really appreciate it." I tell her honestly. She smiles and shakes her head. "It's the obvious thing to do. I know we don't know each other well, but what happened to you shouldn't happen to anyone. And seeing a familiar face here won't hurt you." She says. I nod and look at my stuff in thought.

"Are you going back to stay with family when you recover?" She asks. "You could say that. I'm going back to a very worried girlfriend and her daughter. I'm sure they will not let me leave my bed for weeks." I try to chuckle, but wince at the pain shooting through my body. Okay, no laughing for the next days or weeks.

"That's great. I sure hope they won't let you do anything crazy." She jokes. "Are you excited to go back home tomorrow? I can come with you on your journey if you want, since I live in L.A." She tells me.

"I am very excited to go back, but I am sad that I couldn't film everything I wanted here. I'll have to see what I can do with the footage I have now. And you don't have to come with me, firstly because you are needed here for the refugees and secondly because I'm not sure if my girlfriend would like it if you came with me." I say as I try to stop another chuckle, which apparently also hurts. "I get that. I'll leave you to it then. Do you need more morphine by the way?" She says as she notices my pain.

I nod, making her get a nurse. The nurse shoots me up with morphine, making the pain a lot easier to deal with. I start getting tired again and notice it got dark outside. Ava puts her hand on my shoulder, making me look at her. "I'll leave you to rest. I probably won't be here tomorrow, so this is goodbye for now. Please remember you can always call and text me if you want to chat or hang out. I won't be here for much longer before going back to the States." She says with a smile. I nod at her and see her walk out the door, giving me one last wave goodbye before I fall asleep.

Behind the Camera (Scarlett Johansson x female reader)Where stories live. Discover now