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Scarlett's POV

Today was the last day Jade filmed with me on set. It felt very bittersweet since I did not really want it to end. I'll probably ask her to stay in touch and to hang out sometimes, because it would be a waste to lose this bond. Plus, Rose really likes her so I want to make sure she gets to see Jade some more.

What she said to me about Colin really opened my eyes. I had been so selfish that I did not realise how damaging our relationship was for Rose. I can't allow Colin to treat her like that and will have to talk to him. If we get one more argument I will just tell him to leave and never come back.

As Jade is shooting her final shots for the documentary I am just taking a moment to look at her. She really does want the best for me and Rose and I can't imagine what it'll be like when she leaves for Greece. Is it bad that I want her to stay?

When I saw her arriving on set with Lizzie this morning I got a very strange feeling. I don't know for sure if it was jealousy, but it sure felt like it. It kind of pissed me off seeing them together. Luckily, Jade told me it was just casual. I don't know why I hate seeing them together. Do I like Jade? I need to figure this out soon. But first, I need to deal with my Colin situation.

I forgot that I was staring at her when she turned around and smirked at me. As she was walking over I started feeling embarrassed for getting caught staring at her.

"Were you just admiring me?" She said in a teasing tone. "And what if I was?" I joked back. I turned around with that and walked back to my trailer to grab my stuff. I looked back before entering my trailer and saw that she was looking at me with a smile on her face whilst shaking her head in amusement. Still got it.

I heard a knock on my door and opened it to see Jade standing there. "Are you going home now?" She asked. "Yeah, I need to talk to Colin." I responded.

"Oh, okay. I just wanted to make sure we keep in touch even when we're not filming. Would be a shame to lose the bond we have built up these past weeks." She tells me while holding eye contact.

"I agree. You have my number so we can always call. I can visit you whenever you want until you leave, so we should be fine." I said with a quick wink. Why do I keep flirting with her?

"Sounds great! We'll be in touch" she said with a big smile before walking away towards what I can only assume to be an Uber. I continued packing my stuff before heading to my car and going home.

As I got home I saw Colin's car parked outside, meaning he was home. Rose was still in school so this was the perfect time to have a talk. I opened the front door and made my way inside. I did not see Colin downstairs, so I made my way upstairs.

As I walked upstairs, I heard noises coming from the bedroom. Oh, this fucker better not be doing what I think he's doing. I quickly open our bedroom door and that's when I see them. Colin is in bed fucking another woman. He looks towards the door and immediately gets off of her.

"Honey, I can explain." He starts. What a pathetic attempt.

"Get the fuck out of my house, both of you," I say looking at the woman as well. "and never come back here. We're done." I say looking at Colin. Colin started getting dressed and the woman basically ran out of the house half-naked.

"The only reason I did it was because YOU started getting too comfy with that filmer!" He said, raising his voice at me. "Nothing is going on between me and Jade! The issue was always you! You are mean to Rose and we constantly get into arguments about you being jealous for no reason!" I yell back at him.

"Now get the fuck out of my house and never come back here. I don't want to see you again." I say as I point towards the door. He scoffs before grabbing his things and walking out of the house.

As I close the door, I start sobbing. I don't deserve any of this. I silently cry in the living room for a while before I get ready to pick Rose up from school. On my way over to pick her up I start to realise that I'm finally out of a toxic relationship. I have to tell Jade about this later.

As I arrive at Rose's school, I see her running towards my car. I get out and give her a big hug. "Hi baby. How was school?" I ask her. "It was great mama! We got to colour a lot and play with these big blocks." She says as she starts telling me about her day while we get in the car.

After a while, I decide to tell her about Colin. "Sweetie, I have decided to end my relationship with Colin. We simply did not work out anymore, so when we get back he will not be there anymore." There, I ripped off the band-aid.

"Finally!" She yells, making me furrow my eyebrows. "Does that mean we can hang out with Jade again?" She asks, making me chuckle. "Yes, sweetie. Do you want to go see her right now?" I ask, to which she eagerly nods.

I was equally excited for some reason, so I made my way to Jade's house. I'm glad Rose is happy that Colin is gone. And to be honest, I'm not even sad that it's over. I'm just mad at him for treating me and my daughter the way he did.

After a few minutes, we arrived at Jade's home. Rose jumps out of the car and we both make our way to the front door. For some reason, I take a deep breath before knocking on the door.

Behind the Camera (Scarlett Johansson x female reader)Where stories live. Discover now