Chapter Forty-Eight: Mother

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(Song: The Tower)


"Come to Winterfell with us," Robb states over breakfast. "You all look stressed. Especially you, Aegon."
"Will you allow that, father?" Aegon asks the king.
"Of course," Rhaegar smiles. "I should come as well. Satin, have you ever been that far North?"

"No, Your Grace," Satin shakes his head, blinking his dark eyes. "But I would like to go."
"Very well, we shall go there soon," Rhaegar rubs his eyes.
"My dragons will follow me. After Winterfell, we go back to King's Landing. I need to see the city for myself. If I am to rule it one day, I need to be there."

He knows it is his responsibility as sole heir to the Iron Throne. 'How can I get the love of the people back?' He subconsciously asks Egg. 'Show them you mean no harm,' Egg answers smoothly. 'I committed murders, and they bowed to me. They will do the same to you as well.'
In the sky, the air feels colder. Holding onto Cobalt's spikes, Aegon surveys the ground. A handful of the Unsullied follow the Starks and everyone else on foot, marching in unison.
Using the King's Road, getting to Winterfell takes longer, about a month, but it gives Aegon time to talk with Egg and reflect on his thoughts.

"How can I ensure my family stays ruling Westeros?" Aegon asks the clouds on the back of his dragon.
'You will need more family,' Egg murmurs. 'Someone to ensure your bloodline still survives. King Rhaegar could still have children, but you seem to be opposed to the idea.'
Aegon tightens his grip, staring at the horizon.

'Or,' Egg whispers. 'You have a child of your own. Secure the bloodline.'
"Me?" Aegon laughs. "But I cannot disrespect Satin. He is my husband."
'We Targaryens are known to marry more than one person. I married both Rhaenys and Visenya. You could marry someone from an important house and have a child. That, or...'

"Or..?" Aegon urges him. Egg sighs, sounding reluctant. 'Visenya had trouble getting pregnant at first. She was desperate to have an heir with me, so she resorted to black magic. I didn't know, not at first. But I could tell Maegor was...wrong. He was violent, had a temper, and couldn't have children of his own. His offspring were twisted, monstrous. I'm telling you to be careful, that's all.'

"Good to know," Aegon nods, tugging his fur cloak around him tighter.
To keep up appearances, Aegon rides the rest of the way to Winterfell on horseback.
"I can have a serving girl give you some spiced rum once we are there," Robb says.

"I would appreciate that. Thank you," Aegon forced himself to smile, trying not to crack under his dwindling sanity.
Once they get into the small village before Winterfell, Aegon sees some of the Northerners staring.
"Why are they upset?" He asks Robb.
"Not used to many outsiders."

"But father and I are royalty," he whispers, bewildered and insulted at being scoffed at. It reminds him of his bullies in King's Landing.
Sensing his distress, the three dragons screech and fly closer to the ground.

Aegon hears a few of the horses whine in protest.
"May the God's protect us!" He hears a villager yell.
Roaring, Cobalt swoops overhead, wings flapping hard like a thunderclap.
Smiling, Aegon straightens himself on his horse and keeps going.
The villager's panicked screams are music to his ears.

They arrive at Winterfell at dusk, a light snowfall starting.
While everyone is settling in, Aegon goes down into the crypts. He walks down the steps, listening to his footsteps echo in the gaping hallway.
He eyes each statue, looking for his mother's.

Aegon stops abruptly when he finds Lyanna's statue. He is dismayed at seeing he is now taller than her.
Immediately, he gets on one knee and bows his head.
"Mother," His voice sounds too loud in his ears, heart hammering. Even Egg is silent.

"It's good to see you, mother," he forces out a laugh, seeing his tears hit the cement floor. "Father is here as well. I even got married." Another forced laugh, then he sniffs, looking up.
He stands on shaky legs, almost hyperventilating.
"I..." he swallows, "want you to be happy for me. See how far I've come. But...if you knew of the things I've done, I don't know what you'd do."

He shakes his head. "No, I'm doing what is right. You would be proud of me, I'm certain. I hatched dragons, the first dragons anyone has seen in 100 years. People are calling me the Father of Dragons. People love me, but many also fear me."

Through the smoky scent of the torches burning, he can smell dinner cooking; roasted honeyed chicken, root vegetables, hard cheese, fresh bread.
"I have to go, mother," he says sadly, taking a blue winter rose out from his pocket.
Sniffing, he places it in the upturned palms of Lyanna's statue. "I love you," he whispers, stroking the cold stone of the statue's face, then turns to leave.

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