Chapter Twelve: Return to King's Landing

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(Song used: DragonStone)

The wind whiplashes Aegon's hair and the red cloak he has around him. The grass under his boots is still slick with water as he walks around outside. After the storm had ended, the prince wanted to get some fresh air before going back home.
"Was DragonStone always this intimidating?" He asks Egg, knowing he is too far from the castle for Rhaegar or Arthur to hear.
'Yes, I believe so. Even though I was born and raised here, this place wasn't the Targaryen's original home,' he explains.

"It was a place called Valyria, right?"
'Correct. Even though the Doom that destroyed it was well over four hundred years ago, much of the history has been lost when the volcanoes destroyed everything. Such as how to make Valyrian Steel, for instance. I don't even know how it is made.'
"Like Dragon Claw?" He whispers, taking out said dagger and letting the sunlight reflect off of it.

'Precisely. Even though people do not know how it is made, it doesn't mean it cannot be melted down and reforged by skilled craftsmen. Your lord father must have had someone melt down an old Valyrian Steel blade, then add the blue dye to it while cooling, the blue possibility representing the Stark side of your blood.'
"I...never thought about it that way," he admits, placing the weapon back in its sheath and on his belt.

He looks behind himself to see Rhaegar and Arthur talking on one of the balconies overlooking the grassy field and ocean. Rhaegar happens to glance down and smiles warmly at his son, saying something to Arthur.
Aegon waves back shyly, knowing his voice can't carry up that high for his father to hear.

'Your father has a wonderful singing voice,' Egg murmurs, with a hint of admiration in his tone.
'I can see why he is a respected king. He has authority, but is also sweet and loving to you.'
Aegon thinks back to when they were playing around before breakfast. He's never seen his father act that carefree before. Was Rhaegar like that before he was crowned king?
"Lunch is served," Arthur smiles, setting the plates of roasted chicken, steamed carrots, and bread rolls down on the table.
"Wow," Aegon feels his mouth water at the smell alone. "Truly, Ser Arthur, you should be a cook."
"Oh, this is nothing," the commander looks embarrassed, sitting across from them both.

They eat mainly in silence, trying to savor what may be their last quiet meal on DragonStone before heading back.
"I have more news, Your Grace," Arthur starts after they finish eating. "Oh?" Rhaegar leans back, tucking a strand of hair behind his ear.
"I have received a letter this morning. Another man will be added to the King's Guard along with Jamie Lannister, since our numbers have been dwindling," he says.
"You have my interest. Go on," Rhaegar nods.

"He is called Sandor Clegane, also called the Hound. He is considered one of the strongest men in Westeros, heavily muscled and built like an ox, but still fairly young. About thirty, and clearly skilled with a sword."
"I see. I will have to meet this Sandor Clegane once we get back."
'Clegane, hm? I do not recognize that House name. Seems much has changed since my death...' Egg adds in quietly.

"He sounds scary," Aegon admits.
"Appearance wise, yes. He looks frightening from what the letter had said, but he will be needed and he appears to be loyal," Arthur's words put the prince at ease.

Soon enough, the ship arrives at DragonStone and the crew helps them load their belongings back on deck.
Aegon watches the men carry his clothing trunk on board, the sword Blackfyre and the dragon eggs hidden between layers of cloth.
"Will we ever come back here?" Aegon asks his father.
"Perhaps one day," he smiles, ruffling his dark hair affectionately. "But for now, we head back. You might even come to a meeting with me, son," he winks and walks to the ship.

'Meetings,' Egg sighs. 'That was the most boring part about being king...'
"I think it would be interesting..." Aegon murmurs, keeping his voice low.
'Perhaps, sweet prince. Only time will tell,' Egg whispers, amusement in his voice.

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