Chapter Two: Little Prince

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A few hours pass as the snowstorm rages outside. Rhaegar is given one of the guest rooms for the night with baby Aegon. When Rhaegar enters the room, the fireplace is already lit. He was surprised to see the nurses tending to another baby in Winterfell. Ned said that was his first son, Robb, who will rule Winterfell one day. Robb is Aegon's cousin, Rhaegar realizes, laying in bed and looking down at his only child.

Aegon is awake now, looking up at Rhaegar with blue-grey eyes. Looking closer, he sees that they are faintly purple around the pupil, not that noticeable unless you looked closely. He looks up at Rhaegar with curiosity. Rhaegar loves him with all his heart already.
"Hello," he whispers, smiling. "It's nice to meet you, Aegon."
The baby prince coos and grabs at his father's long white hair. Rhaegar laughs softly, making Aegon smile in response.

"I'll protect you, my son," he whispers, picking him up gently, the light blue blanket still wrapped around him. "You'll live in the Red Keep with me, you'll be trained to fight by the best swordsman, and taught knowledge by the highest ranked Grand Maester. In time, I'll teach you everything I know, I promise," he murmurs, rubbing Aegon's back gently, soothing the baby.
Arthur Dayne sits across from Rhaegar in the carriage. Despite being a member of the King's Guard, Arthur is one of Rhaegar's closest friends. "What did you name the boy?" He asks, keeping his voice low as Rhaegar rocks his son.
"Aegon Targaryen the Sixth. But his nickname is Jon."
"Jon?" Arthur raises an eyebrow in surprise.
"Lyanna liked the name Jon. Eddard Stark says Lyanna might have gotten the name from the Lord Jon Arryn of The Vale. Jon Arryn was like a second father to Lord Stark, or so I've heard," he explains.

"Makes sense," Arthur leans back in the seat, his pale purple eyes holding something resembling sympathy. With his purple eyes, Arthur could be mistaken for a Targaryen, even with how good he is with a sword. Except he has dark brown hair.
"Would the people believe me?" Rhaegar asks quietly, holding his sleeping boy closer. "When they see him? He looks more like a Stark."
"True, but he may be a reader and studier like you were. Only time will tell, Rhaegar. Let Aegon grow, spread his roots, then teach him what it will be like to be a prince. Will people doubt him? Perhaps. But teach him how to handle it. He has the blood of the dragon and blood of the Northmen in his veins. Such a combination had never been heard of prior to this.." Arthur sighs.

Rhaegar nods slowly. "I understand. Protect him, but also keep him at arms length at times."
Arthur nods. "Precisely."
The crown prince looks down at Aegon again. "When the time comes," Rhaegar begins, not looking up at his friend. "And Aegon comes of age, could you train him how to fight?"
"You would entrust me with such a task?" Arthur looks touched.
"I would," Rhaegar nods again, looking more confident. "He will need to learn how to fight with a sword, and you are the best swordsman in the King's Guard."

Arthur lowers his head in respect. "I would be honored to, Your Grace."
Rhaegar smiles, relieved. "Thank you, Arthur."
Aegon cries in his crib, hungry. He cannot comprehend much of anything around him, save for the candle chandelier hanging high above him.
Eyes closed, he feels himself get picked up gently, then placed on someone's chest.

The familiar sound of a heartbeat calms him. "Shh, it's all right," a man croons, giving him a cold object to suck on. This was a baby bottle, well, more of a small clay bottle with a nozzle at the end that allowed access to milk. But for Aegon, food was food, and he isn't going to complain much longer.

The man laughs softly, patting Aegon on the back once he is done eating. Opening his eyes, he sees that same man again. The one with the purple eyes and white hair. Right, the man that calls himself father. Aegon currently has no idea what a father is, but he's just happy to be someplace warm.

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