Chapter Twenty-Seven: Silver Prince

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(Song: The Throne Is Mine)

"Father, you don't have to do this," Aegon sighs, closing his eyes as he lays in bed. "Yes, I do," Rhaegar answers sternly, washing off the remaining blood from his chest with a warm, damp cloth.
"I should have been there with you, then..." his father trails off, getting choked up.

"Father," Aegon whispers sadly. "I'm fine," Rhaegar breathes out a sigh. "Get some rest, little dragon. You must be exhausted," Rhaegar murmurs, fingers going through his now silver-white hair. Even though it's only been a few hours since Aegon's revival, Rhaegar is beginning to baby him, perhaps in fear of losing him all over again.

"You should rest as well," Aegon notes, seeing the bags under his bloodshot eyes. "I know," Rhaegar admits, tossing a few more logs to keep the fireplace going. "You can rest with me, like the night when I first came back," he says gently, mainly wanting to cheer his father up.

"Of course," Rhaegar smiles faintly. Soon enough, the King comes back in his sleeping clothes and lays next to him. "I'm sorry...for going to the festival alone. That was dumb."
"You didn't know, sweetling," Rhaegar whispers, kissing his forehead. "Now get some rest. I'm certain your memories will come back eventually. I love you."

"I love you, too," Aegon yawns, closing his eyes and hearing Rhaegar's heartbeat as he is held close.
In the morning, Aegon wakes up first, hearing the birds chirping. Slowly, he gets out of bed, not wanting to wake his father, then gathers some clothes and goes to the washroom to bathe.
As he sets his clothes down on the table, he happens to take a look at himself in the mirror and pauses.

This is the first time he's really gotten to see himself.
His hair is no longer charcoal black, now the same platinum blonde/silver-white like his father's and slowly gets darker at the roots. His eyes are no longer the gray-blue of the Starks, the violet purple seeming to have swallowed out the other colors. Violet like the sweet flowers in the gardens. Lighter than Rhaegar's dark indigo eyes.

He looks like a full blooded Targaryen now. Aegon doesn't know if he should start laughing at the irony, or go into a panic attack. "Egg?" He whispers. Even his voice sounds different, raspier. Not as boyish.

Aegon remembers the feeling of being stabbed, choking on his own blood. he layed in the sand, dying, his view suddenly changed. He thought his spirit was going towards the stars, only to feel it enter his dragon. That made sense. He is a Stark from his mother's side. Legend says that some Starks are Skin Changers, people who can enter the mind of an animal.

That's most likely what happened, since Aegon got to see through Cobalt's eyes as she carried his corpse back to King's Landing. Egg doesn't respond, the psychic connection must have been cut off when he died. Aegon had gotten used to hearing Aegon the Conqueror speak in his mind like a good friend.

Now he feels alone in his mind. He takes his time bathing, wanting to scrub off any remaining dried blood or sand from his hair and body.
'What will the people think now? What will Robb and the other Starks think? Will they view me as a freak?' He wonders as he washes his hair.

The prince remembers writing to Aemon Targaryen, one of his much older family members who serves at The Wall up North. He had written to him about his fears and doubts, about being mocked.
Aemon had written back—or spoken his response and had one of his stewards write it down.
'To gain confidence,' he had written, 'you must imagine your doubts and fears and put them to the sword in your mind. Kill the boy, Aegon, and let the man be born.'

A part of Aegon stayed dead when he was stabbed that night, the fearful boy who always thought he was not good enough to be a prince. But something came back with him when he was revived. Let the man be born, the new one with confidence.
His alias Jon Snow died in the sands of Dorne.
Risen from the dead by the prayers of his father, he is Aegon Targaryen, sixth of his name, Prince of DragonStone, heir to the Iron Throne, and son of the Last Dragon.

He looks at his reflection in the murky water of the tub, swearing he could see his reflection change briefly to Aegon the Conqueror. Once he gets out and dries himself, his fingers graze over his wounds gently.
Rhaegar stirs awake right as Aegon walks out from the washroom, dressed in black tunic with the three-headed dragon designed on the cloth, black pants, leather shoes, and a deep red cloak designed to look like dragon scales.

"My lord father," he says, tucking a wet strand of platinum blonde hair behind his ear, a sense of newfound confidence in his light purple eyes.
"Could you order the blacksmith to make me a new crown?"

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