Chapter Thirteen: Sing To Me

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The King of Westeros groans as he lowers himself into the hot water of the tub. He had followed Aegon's advice on using flower petals to add scent to the water.
His white hair soon becomes wet and shiny, the sweet smell in the air soothing him.
The journey back was easier, but traveling by boat was still rough.
By the time they got back, their hair smelled like saltwater and seaweed, skin scrubbed raw from the salty ocean spray.

He takes his time bathing, scrubbing his pale skin and hair. Once he gets out and is dressed, Rhaegar is surprised to see Aegon sleeping on his bed.
Laughing softly, he sits beside his son, silver hair still wet.
Aegon is partly wrapped in the king's red cloak. At this point, Rhaegar lets him keep it.
Yawning, the king lays down, leaving one of the candles lit by the table.

At his movement, Aegon stirs awake. With half-open eyes, the boy smiles at his father, then wraps the cloak around himself tighter and falls back asleep.
Amused, Rhaegar holds him close and falls asleep as well.
Rhaegar watches Aegon train with Arthur. He is getting better, his reaction time quicker. "Good, that is enough for today," Arthur smiles, relaxing his posture.
Aegon nods and sighs, wiping sweat from his forehead. With Summer coming to a close, they watch the leaves slowly change colors as Fall arrives.

The days pass by without much incident, the weather slowly getting colder and the nights getting longer. One night, while unable to sleep, Rhaegar goes to the kitchen to make some tea when he sees Aegon sitting on the floor, staring at the fireplace.
The boy blinks and looks up at the king. "Oh, father. Forgive me, I didn't see you there."
"Why are you staring at the fireplace so intensely?" He asks.

"I'm trying to see if one of the eggs will hatch," the prince explains, a little sad. "Still nothing."
Worried, Rhaegar enters the room and sits next to him, mainly resting on his own knees. "You know what Maester Luwin had said," he gently reminds his son.
"I know," Aegon sighs, using the metal poker to remove the hot stone egg from the fire and on the stone floor to cool.
The blue and white egg radiates heat like a mini sun, smoke wavering on the surface.

"Perhaps we can get another book for you to read on dragons?" Rhaegar tries.
Aegon sighs and nods, biting his lower lip to stop his tears. Rhaegar pulls him into a hug. "Want me to sing to you?" He asks, a sly smile on his lips.
"Mhm," Aegon nods again, not trusting himself to speak.
"Of course. Let me think of a good one..." he trails off, going through all of the songs he knows by heart.
He decides to sing The Song Of The Seven, a rather popular lullaby, especially in King's Landing:

"The Father's face is stern and strong,
he sits and judges right from wrong.
He weighs our lives, the short and long,
and loves the little children.

The Mother gives the gift of life,
and watches over every wife.
Her gentle smile ends all strife,
and she loves her little children.

The Warrior stands before the foe,
protecting us where e'er we go.
With sword and shield and spear and bow,
he guards the little children.

The Crone is very wise and old,
and sees our fates as they unfold.
She lifts her lamp of shining gold
to lead the little children.

The Smith, he labors day and night,
to put the world of men to right.
With hammer, plow, and fire bright,
he builds for little children.

The Maiden dances through the sky,
she lives in every lover's sigh.
Her smiles teach the birds to fly,
and gives dreams to little children.

The Seven Gods who made us all,
are listening if we should call.
So close your eyes, you shall not fall,
they see you, little children.
Just close your eyes, you shall not fall,
they see you, little children."

Rhaegar finishes the lullaby, and isn't really surprised to see Aegon nodding off. "You sang that to me..." the prince yawns, "...when I was a baby..."
"Of course. You loved hearing that song, Aegon. I would sing it to you all the time and watch you smile," he whispers.
"Could you teach me how to sing...?" Aegon is barely awake at this point.
Before the king can answer, Aegon is completely asleep.

Like their last night on DragonStone, Rhaegar lays Aegon down in bed, then places the blanket over him. Once the blue egg is cool enough to touch, Rhaegar puts it back with the other two in the trunk and closes the lid.
He walks back to Aegon's bedside and smiles.
"I can teach you whenever you want, my son..." he sighs, then exits the room, closing the door softly behind himself.

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