Chapter Eighteen: I'm Home

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(Song: Jon's Honor)

For the first time since Aegon was brought to the Red Keep as an infant, the Throne Room is packed with people from all the Seven Kingdoms.
To his surprise, he had learned that many are rejoicing and throwing parties at the news the crown prince is home after five years. Many people thought he was dead.

Still keeping the red cloak and hood on, he walks up the stairs to the Red Keep's main doors. The day is bright and warm as the bells ring for Aegon's arrival.
The guards open the doors for him, revealing faces he doesn't recognize, all except for one.
King Rhaegar is sitting on the Iron Throne, looking at his long lost son.
All seven of the King's Guard are there as well, Jaime looking nervous, Sandor seeming wary, and Arthur looking hopeful.
Exhaling, Aegon walks slowly, head lowered. He hears people's gasps and murmurs as Cobalt's wings spread out from behind him in the doorway as she takes off, giving off the brief impression that he was the one with wings.

His three dragons would be off hunting, he notes, eyes glued to the floor. He also knows that his Stark relatives are somewhere in the crowd, all eyes on him.
Nobody speaks, there isn't any noise save for the crackle of torches and his footsteps on the marble floor.
Soon enough, he sees the base of the Iron Throne in his field of view.
"My lord father," he announces, his rough voice echoing in the hall. Eyes closed, he gets on one knee and removes the hood, letting his dark hair loose.

More gasps and murmurs from the crowd.
"Aegon..." Rhaegar sounds so heartbroken and relieved at the same time. Aegon looks up at his father for the first time as a man, Rhaegar taking in his light facial hair, messed up hair, and no doubt the scars from the dragons over his left eye and bridge of his nose. "I'm home," he says clearly.

Looking to be on the verge of a mental breakdown, Rhaegar gets up and walks down as Aegon gets to his feet. 'He looks so relieved,' Egg whispers.
Aegon fights the urge to nod, knowing he can only hear his Targaryen ancestor.
"It's you," Rhaegar murmurs, tears already flowing down. "You're alive. I'm not dreaming."
"You're not, father," Aegon says, taking his father's hand and kissing his knuckles. His lips are chapped and rough compared to Rhaegar's skin.

Both men are of equal height now, which Aegon still can't believe. Rhaegar hugs him tightly. Startled, Aegon hugs him back, eyes closed and feeling tears leak out.
While everyone else is setting up for the party, Aegon and Rhaegar are alone in the prince's room. "You left it untouched," he notes, seeing his bear fur cloak folded neatly on his bed.
"Of course, Aegon," Rhaegar murmurs, walking over to him. "May I?" Aegon nods.

He closes his eyes, feeling Rhaegar kiss his face a few times. "My baby boy..." he cries. "You're a man now."
"I don't feel like a man...." He sighs, opening his eyes.
Rhaegar cups his cheeks, the skin worn from being outdoors for so long. "Why did you run away?" He asks.

'Be honest,' Egg reminds him gently.
"I..." he trails off, trying to find the right words. "I read the Targaryen book in the library the night I ran off. I thought I was your only child, that I was special."
"You are special, Aegon," Rhaegar murmurs, smiling a little. "You are Lyanna's last gift to me, and the prince who brought back the dragons after one hundred years. You didn't have to run off to prove that."

That's all Aegon needs to hear. Tears blur his gaze again. "Father...."
"Shhh. Shhh. I'm here, my little black drake. I'm here. I've prayed every night to the Gods for them to bring you back home."
"You did?" Aegon sniffs, sounding more like a child.
"Of course. I'm so glad you're back. Robb and Ned were so worried, thinking you had died."

Rhaegar kisses Aegon's cheeks again, like he wants to kiss him a million times over. He is close enough that he can smell the familiar scent of lavender on Rhaegar.
"You didn't have to run off," his father whispers, using his thumb to wipe away Aegon's tears. "You could have spoken with me."
'Told you,' Egg peeps up.

"I-I'm sorry," Aegon hyperventilates.
"It's okay," Rhaegar laughs, shoulders relaxing. "I can move the party to a later date. You must be tired."
Aegon nods. The king smiles and takes a few steps back, turning to leave his room.
"Father," Aegon blurts out.
"Hm?" Rhaegar looks back.
"Can I..sleep in your bed tonight?" He asks, blushing. The prince just wants affection again.

Rhaegar nods, motioning him to follow.
Since Aegon's old clothes at the Red Keep no longer fit him, he borrows one of Rhaegar's robes and flops down in bed.
"This is such a comfort from sleeping on the ground," he groans. The king laughs a little, laying next to him.
"You can tell me everything tomorrow."

Aegon nods, black hair tangled. Like a child starved of affection, he allows himself to be held after the large blanket is placed on them. Right on the edge of sleep, he could have sworn he heard Rhaegar murmuring a thank you to the Seven Gods.

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