Chapter Ten: Nightmare

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He's in a field of fire. Smoke and embers burn his esophagus and lungs. Coughing, he scrambles for any way out, but the smoke is too thick.
Even the stars seem to have been snuffed out. Then he hears the thunderclap of dragon wings.
A large gust of wind blows the fires out, and he hardly sees the figure approaching him through the smoke.

"Jon. Jon! Child, stay with me."
Coughing, Aegon wakes up and sees the moon high in the sky. He's laying in the grass, clean and unburnt, but also cradled up against someone.
"Gods, I thought I lost you for a moment there..." the man sighs in relief, holding Aegon partially in his lap.
The man looks down at him with bright purple eyes, his short, silver-white hair glowing slightly in the moonlight.

"It's me, Jon. The Conqueror. Well, Egg, technically." He still looks fairly young, late thirties at the most, wearing the familiar black and red colors of a Targaryen king. "You're still dreaming, Jon. You were having a nightmare, and I pulled you out of it."
"You pulled me out of my nightmare?" Aegon looks amazed. Egg nods, a slight smile to his lips.

"You're safe, Jon. Everything is okay," his voice is gentle, but has hints of authority underneath. "You are a lot more interesting than the paintings portray you," Aegon admits. Egg laughs, the sound echoing slightly in the calm field. "I suppose I am," Egg smiles, helping Aegon to his feet.

He stands taller than the prince, with a ring crown of gold and rubies on his head, parts of it hidden by his hair. "Let me get a look at you, Jon," he circles him, purple eyes full of knowledge and understanding. "You definitely have the Targaryen look to you, even I can tell."
Aegon looks embarrassed. "Something the matter?" Egg asks gently.

"There are children in King's Landing who would disagree with you," Aegon sighs. "Hey," Egg's hand goes under Aegon's chin, forcing him to look up. "You're a Targaryen by blood. Nobody can take that away from you. You are a prince, and heir to the throne. Whatever the children say does not matter at the end of the day. Remember that."
Aegon can tell Egg is clear with these words, his eyes kind.

Smiling, Aegon nods. Egg smiles back. "I've only known you for about a day, and I already like you, Jon."
He kisses Aegon's forehead, much like Rhaegar would do. "Welcome home, sweet prince..."
Aegon wakes up alone in his room, the dark grey clouds outside his window hinting at a rainstorm coming. "Egg?" He whispers.
'I'm right here,' Egg responds, his voice calm in his mind. 'I'm not leaving you, Jon.'

Later on in the day, Aegon explores more of DragonStone as the storm rages outside.
"You know, this storm reminds me of being stuck in Winterfell during a snowstorm," Aegon says, just wanting to listen to something other than silence.
'Truly? What was that experience like?'
"Well, it was kinda nice. Being stuck inside and drinking hot chocolate. I saw the crypts as well."
'Ah, Winterfell's crypts. I never went to those.'

Aegon nods, even though he can't see Egg except in his dreams. He remembers seeing his mother's statue down there. The crypts are long and dimly lit by torches. He recalls nearly getting hypothermia from staying down there too long, sitting at his mother's statue's feet, wishing he could meet her.
Rhaegar was going to scold him, until he saw who he was sitting by. That was the first time Aegon saw his father down in the crypts. He simply picked Aegon up, looked at Lyanna's statue sadly, and exited with his son.

That was years ago, back when the prince was about eight or nine.
'I sense a type of sadness in your lord father,' Egg whispers. "A sadness?" Aegon frowns.
'I don't know him personally, but I can sense a sort of...melancholy around him, following him like a dark cloud. Has he always been like this?'

Aegon walks back to his room. "Sometimes," he answers honestly, laying in bed and curling up on his side. "But I want to help him. I really do."
'I understand where you're coming from,' Egg says gently. 'Perhaps you can do something to cheer him up?'

He looks out his window, listening to the rain. "Yeah," he whispers, his throat dry. "I'll think of something."

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