Chapter Forty-Six: Ruins

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(Song: Spoils Of War Pt. 1)


Even from up on the grassy hills of the Dothraki Sea, they can still smell the burning bodies and see the chaos.
"So much for never facing a Dothraki on an open field," Rhaegar says bitterly, over the screams and roars of the dragons.

They had stayed on DragonStone for about a month, planning ahead on where to strike first.
Like Aegon the Conqueror, Aegon used the dry grass to his advantage, quickly making ruins of the Dothraki and any city unfortunate enough to be in the way.
Those who did not submit were quickly killed, used as food for the dragons if prey was low.

Satin himself has never been in a battle like this before, so he mainly stays behind Rhaegar and Arthur.
"Why must you do this?" Satin had asked him one night on DragonStone.
With a kiss, Aegon had answered, "To make a better world, and to protect the ones I love."

When the King's Guard had questioned Aegon's morals, the prince responded: "I have seen the error of the old king's ways. Showing mercy will only lead to danger. I would much rather give up my honor and live to see another day to burn my enemies than cower in fear. I am making the world a better place, and there must always be sacrifices to reach one's goal."

The massacre is over fairly quickly, and they all head back to DragonStone to plan the next attack.
Noting Aegon being in a low mood, Satin decides to cheer him up. It's still too cold on the island to wear any silk dresses, so Satin instead wears a copycat outfit of the Night's Watch from his brothel days.

Some of his clients wanted him to dress more masculine, pretending they were having sex with a sworn brother of the watch. Well, whatever paid the most coin, Satin did. He had no choice in the matter.
He hears Aegon's steps falter as the prince enters the bedroom.
"Satin?" His voice is oddly tender, sounding normal for once since becoming a tyrant.

He turns to face Aegon, smiling. "What is all of this?" He asks, walking over and taking Satin's gloved hands in his. "I wanted to cheer you up. You've been working too hard, my prince."
Aegon nods, swallowing the lump in his throat. "I suppose I have," he admits quietly, some sanity and worry seeming to have come back.

Despite Satin being two years younger than Aegon, the prince has to look up at him to meet his eyes.
"Let me comfort you," Satin whispers, "if you'll let me."
Aegon nods and closes the bedroom door, muffling the others talking down the hall.
He hugs Satin tightly. "Thank you for being here."
"Of course, my love," Satin murmurs.

Under the layers of animal fur and blankets, they cuddle each other, listening to the fire crackle.
"We could get married, you know," Aegon sighs, fingers going through Satin's dark curls gently. "Have a ceremony here, have me put a Targaryen cloak over your shoulders, kiss under the starlight. Would you want that?"
"Yes," Satin admits, heart fluttering in his chest like an excited bird.

"Good," Aegon smiles genuinely and kisses him gently. Satin moans into the kiss, feeling the prince pull him closer. When he worked in the brothel, Satin would be lucky if the clients were gentle. Aegon has always been gentle, always asking Satin if he was okay.
Needing air, Satin pulls away, their lips making a light sound as they disconnect.
"I'll always love you," the Targaryen whispers sweetly, savoring the floral scent of perfume on Satin's body.

"I love you too. I will marry you, Jon. I don't care what anyone else thinks. Well, except the king, of course."
He's surprised to hear Aegon giggle at this.
"And that's why I love you," he states, happiness clear in his lilac eyes for the first time in weeks.
With the permission of King Rhaegar, both Aegon and Satin get married soon after the Dothraki Sea is a smoking ruin.
Only Rhaegar, Arthur, Jaime, Sandor, and Barristan are there to witness it. Cobalt, Orchid, and Solar are in the grassy fields as well, watching them.

Aegon, dressed in black and red, smiles as Satin walks over to him. Flowers himself is dressed in a simple dark blue uniform with small roses sewn into the fabric.
As per Westerosi tradition, Aegon undoes his Targaryen cloak and places it around Satin's shoulders.
The night is clear as they kiss, officially sealing their marriage. Since Satin is married into the royal family, he can still keep his last name Flowers if he wants. Or he can change it to Targaryen. In the end, that is his choice.

They end up hosting a small dinner in the feasting hall.
"Any news on King's Landing?" Rhaegar asks.
"Not much," Arthur admits, looking over the scroll that was delivered to the island.
"The Starks are worried about Aegon, however. It seems like they don't know about the incident in King's Landing. Robb in particular, wants to know if Aegon is okay. I think he wants to come to DragonStone."

"I see," Rhaegar glances at his son, eyebrow raised.
"Let them come. I don't want to worry him," he murmurs.
The others nod and begin making preparations.

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