Chapter Twenty-Five: Pray

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Everyone in the Red Keep is still in shock. Word had gotten back to Rhaegar and Arthur at Starfall that Cobalt had flown back to the Red Keep with Aegon's corpse. The King didn't want to believe it.
He really didn't.
Both men had gotten on Solar and Orchid to get to the capital faster.

By the time Rhaegar had thrown open the doors to the Keep, he felt his heart shatter. Cobalt is in the Throne Room, watching over Aegon.
The King rushes over, shoving the other King's Guard out of the way. He hears Arthur gasp behind him.

Numb, Rhaegar gets to his knees and holds his son's cold body close, silks crusted with blood.
He tilts his head back and screams, the sound horrid.
The King's Guard watches silently, not knowing what to do. Aegon's eyes are still open, empty and staring at nothing.

He sets Aegon down and tries in vain to do chest compressions. This only forces more blood out from the wounds, already thick and jelly-like from his body decaying. "Your Grace," Arthur tries weakly.
Rhaegar ignores him. "Your Grace!" He shouts, putting a hand on his shoulder.
The King snaps and shoves his hand off. "Don't touch him!" He wails, purple eyes bloodshot.

Arthur backs away, afraid. "My boy..." Rhaegar sobs, picking him up and rocking him. "Don't do this to me, baby. Don't do this to me..." Cobalt whimpers, lowering her head like she wants to nuzzle Rhaegar.
"Get back!" He shouts at the beast. "Go on! Get out of here!"
Whimpering, she lays down in the corner of the room, watching.

"Please," he begs, kissing Aegon's cold face, running his fingers through his sweaty hair. "Come back. You can't be dead. Please. PLEASE!"
Jaime turns away, body shaking with sobs. He can't watch.
Sandor looks sad as well. Arthur doesn't know what to do.
"There has to be something we can do," Rhaegar says, voice trembling. He lifts his head up, hair tangled.

The King thinks for a few moments, debating his options. His eyes suddenly light up, looking insane in the torchlight. "Find me a Red Priestess..." he says.
"Your Grace, many things can go wrong with resurrection—" Jaime starts.
"He is my son! My only son! If he stays dead, there will be no heirs to the throne and I will be alone! Do you want that, Jaime?!" Rhaegar demands.

"I..." Jaime takes a step back.
"Do you?!"
"No, My Lord," Jaime admits.
"Where can we find a Red Priestess?" Sandor asks, brave enough to ask the King.
"There might be some in King's Landing, or Essos. Look around, all of you. That is an order," Rhaegar croaks.

They all bow and rush out into the streets of King's Landing. While they are gone, Rhaegar sets up a table with a sheet on it and lays Aegon down gently.
"Who did this to you, my baby?" He asks Aegon's body.
Of course, he gets no answers.
"I'll find whoever did this. I swear it, by the Old Gods and the New." With a shaky hand, he closes Aegon's eyes, then caresses his cheek like he'd always do.

Sighing, he removes Aegon's bag and looks through it. He finds a few items, salted snake meat, a purple scarf with stars, a few rings with jewels on them, and a Targaryen necklace. He almost laughs at seeing the necklace, then puts it all back in the bag.
Cobalt is still in the room, looking at him.

"I'm sorry," he whispers, walking over to her. "Forgive me for shouting at you," he pets her face, making her purr and nuzzle him. She looks at Aegon's body, then back at him. Despite the torches, the King feels himself shiver in paranoia. It's almost like Cobalt knows something he doesn't...

"I found one!" Jaime yells from the entrance. Rhaegar turns to look and rushes over. The Red Priestess is dressed in the familiar red robes of the Fire God R'hllor, a ruby choker on her throat.
"Can you help him?" Rhaegar pleads.

"In the end, that is up to the Lord of Light to decide. I am just his messenger. But I will do the ritual as intended," she speaks calmly, with a hint of an Asshai'i accent. "Thank you," Rhaegar says, seeing Jaime exit and close the doors. "What is your name?"
"Kinvara, My Lord," Kinvara answers, walking over to the prince's corpse.

With permission, Kinvara undoes Aegon's tunic, revealing his upper body and the damage.
"He was stabbed to death," she notes.
"By whom?"
"That, I cannot say. But for the ritual to begin, he will have to be nude. Fire could burn his clothing."

Rhaegar reluctantly nods and removes each layer of clothing from his son, until he is only covered on his waist by a Targaryen banner.
"Is he truly gone?" The King's voice shakes.
"Not truly," is all she says, not providing further information.
Kinvara takes out a few items from her bag, red candles, scissors, and a small wooden bowl.
"Do you have water?" She asks.

The King is soon back with a bucket of water for her.
"Please let this work," he prays.
"Praying to your Seven Gods will not help you now, My Lord," Kinvara explains simply, setting the red candles on Aegon's table and lighting them.
"Worry not, Dragon King. I will see what I can do."

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