Chapter Fifteen: Where Is My Baby?

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(Song: Light of The Seven)


Rhaegar wakes up at dawn with anxiety in his chest. Sitting up, he takes note of the Red Keep being oddly quiet. He gets dressed as usual, brushing his hair back and exiting his chambers. Walking down the hall, he finds himself drawn to Aegon's room for no particular reason.

"Aegon?" He calls out, knocking on the wooden door. "Darling? Are you awake? Do you want breakfast?"
He opens the door to see his room empty. "Maybe he fell asleep in the library?" Rhaegar mutters, finding Aegon's bear cloak tossed haphazardly on his still made bed.

His gut twists with a worried feeling. Something is wrong. He exits the room and goes into the dining hall where Sandor and Arthur are already eating breakfast.
"Good morning, my king," Arthur smiles, then frowns at Rhaegar's worried face.
"Something wrong?" Sandor rasps.

"Have either of you seen Aegon?" He asks, panic rising in his heart. Both King's Guard glance at one another. "Not today, no," Arthur murmurs. "Was he not in his room?"
"No. His cloak was tossed on his unmade bed. I'm about to look in the library," Rhaegar's breathing is harsh.

Arthur stands up abruptly. "I'll come as well."
"Same here," Clegane grunts.
The three rush down the hall and throw open the library doors. "Aegon?" Rhaegar calls out, rushing through the isles of bookshelves.
"Aegon, if this is some crude joke," Arthur sighs, not that worried yet.

The only evidence they find of someone being in there is the Targaryen history book Fire and Blood, along with a burnt out candle.
"Find me Jaime Lannister," he orders Arthur and Sandor coldly.
Soon enough, they rush back with the son of Tywin Lannister, who looks startled at being summoned.
"Your Grace?" Jamie asks, confusion in his tone.

"Have you seen Aegon anywhere? If at all?" Rhaegar asks. "Answer quickly."
"What? No," Jaime shakes his head, his long blonde hair reflecting the candlelight. "Not since watching him train with Ser Arthur the other day."
Rhaegar looks oddly calm, but on the inside, he is already panicking.

"Summon each of the King's Guard, all seven of you. Search the Red Keep entirely. If he isn't here, look through the streets of King's Landing. Leave no stone unturned. I will put the city on lockdown. No one gets out, and no one is allowed in until I signal the city be opened again. Understood?" His voice is rough.
"At once, Your Grace," the three King's Guard say in unison.

The three rush out and Rhaegar follows close behind.
"Ring the bells!" He shouts, startling the staff members who are still waking up. "Prince Aegon Targaryen is missing!" Arthur yells, the three men splitting up in the Red Keep. "Ring the bells!"
"Put the city on lockdown!" Rhaegar orders.

He rushes to a balcony and hears the bells begin to ring loudly. Down in the streets, he sees the familiar white cloaks of the King's Guard whipping through the streets on horseback, shouting the news.
One by one, the gates to King's Landing slam shut with a collective bang.

The bells eventually stop ringing as Rhaegar paces in his room, shaking with anxiety.
"Anything?" He asks shakily once Arthur appears in his doorway. "Nothing, my king. The others are still looking for him."
Rhaegar's mind flashes back to the Targaryen family tree book still on the library table.

"Do you think he read the book?" Rhaegar asks, to the confusion of Arthur.
"I-I'm sorry?"
"The Targaryen book on the table. Do you think he read it? Because if he did...."
"What would happen if he did?" Arthur whispers.
"That book is updated by Maesters every time a new marriage happens or a Targaryen child is born. If he read that book, all the way up to my reign as king, then..."
"Then..?" Arthur urges him.

"Then he found out about my marriage with Elia Martell. I never told him about that, nor about Princess Rhaenys or Prince Aegon," Cold dread hits him like a knife in his heart.
"If you never told him, that would be quite a shock. Hold on, you named both your sons Aegon? Oh, Gods, then he probably thinks you only had him as a replacement for your first son...." Arthur realizes suddenly.
Again with the knife to the heart.

"We need to find him, tell him it was all a misunderstanding..." Rhaegar's breathing is shallow, like thorns are wrapped around his throat, strangling him. "We leave," he orders, tossing on his lightest riding cloak. "Now."
"Where will we go? He could be anywhere by now."
"I know him, Arthur. As well as being a dragon, he had the blood of a Northman in his veins. He would most likely go North, to Winterfell," he murmurs, taking his travel bag to fill with food.

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