Chapter Thirty-Eight: I Need An Army

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"Ao ȳdragon Valyrīha?" the male slave master asks in shock, surprised Aegon can understand High Valyrian easily. The Targaryen Prince stands in the courtyard in Essos, making the promise to sell one of his dragons for an army. By any costs, his father's army needs to be stronger, and Aegon figured the Unsullied would be the perfect gift.

"Iksan dārilaros Aegon Targārien, byllie hen zȳhon brōzi se tresy hen mōrī zaldrīzes.  Valyrīha iksis ñuha kepa ēngos," Aegon says cooly, eyes narrowed.
I am Prince Aegon Targaryen, sixth of his name and son of the Last Dragon. Valyrian is my father's tongue.
He tries to ignore Solar's yelping pleas as the other slave masters struggle to chain the beast down.

He turns to the army of Unsullied awaiting his command.
"Dovaogēdy! Ossēnagon se buzdari āeksia! Ossēnagon se rich! Yn ōdrikagon daor riña gō lanta ampā! Hegagon aōha uēpa āeksia!" He commands.
Unsullied! Kill the slave masters! Kill the rich! But harm no child under twelve! Slaughter your old masters!
In the chaos, the main slave master yells at someone to kill Aegon.

"Solar," Aegon almost sings, smiling with a look of malice in his eyes. "Dracarys."
The golden beast snaps out of his chains and roars, bathing the slave masters in orange fire.
When the slaughter is done, Aegon scans the massacre from the back of Solar, hovering above the arena.
"The deal is done!" He yells out to the Unsullied as Solar lands in the blood-soaked sand. "You belong to House Targaryen! Any man who wants to leave, may leave. In the end, no judgment shall befall your choice. Will you fight for my house? Will you aid in my father's army, bringing a brighter future to the world?"

One by one, the Unsullied stomp their spears against the sand, the sound almost deafening.
"For House Targaryen!" Aegon screams, fist raised in the air as Solar roars triumphantly.
'Your father will be surprised by the army,' Egg murmurs as Aegon flies back to Westeros high above the boats over the sea.
"Aye, but he'll be happy," Aegon smiles.
'Indeed,' Egg agrees.
While on DragonStone, the prince had overheard his father needing new soldiers.

By the time he gets back to DragonStone, the sun is barely starting to rise. After petting Solar as a thank you and getting off, he sees Arthur rush out, along with Satin.
"Where have you been? You just flew off towards the sea!" Arthur looks panicked and nervous.
"I simply went to get a gift for father," he explains cheerfully, motioning to the docked ships down below at the shore.

"A gift? Why would King Rhaegar need a gift?" Satin asks. Aegon can't help but smile. Satin is cute when he's curious. "To cheer him up. I noticed him being stressed, mainly about a small army, and got him one."
"Where?" Arthur asks warily.
"Essos?" Both men repeat back, stunned.
"I simply want to help my father, to make up for me running off..." Aegon sighs, trying not to cry.
"Aegon, you don't have to prove anything, not anymore," Arthur murmurs.

The prince shakes his head, his jaw set.
"You don't get it. I have to! I'm the son of the Last Dragon, I'm the sole heir to the Iron Throne. I have to be seen as strong, not some weak prince who was bullied and ran off at fifteen. No longer will House Targaryen be seen as weak. I'll make sure of it."
Aegon can almost see Egg nodding his head in approval.

"Aegon..." Satin takes a few steps forward, concerned.
"You don't have to prove your strength. You're perfect the way you are."
"I'll make things better," he murmurs, turning away. "I promise." He walks back to the large mass that is DragonStone.
The sound of the Unsullied marching behind Aegon and his father echoes through the streets of King's Landing. He holds the necklace at his throat close, knowing he can't reveal his true self. Not yet, at least.
Rhaegar was shocked—and perhaps even a little touched—at suddenly getting more of an army.

Developing a headache from stress, Aegon goes into the Godswood in the gardens of the Red Keep, needing a place to relax.
When his Stark family was here for dinner, Bran had told him about the Weirwood trees, and about their connection to the family.

Of course, Aegon had touched the tree before, but never saw anything. But he also hasn't tried ever since he was revived.
Exhaling, he touches the tree, then suddenly sees images flash through his mind, too fast for him to make them out. Except for a few:

His three dragons, fully grown, burning fields and some unknown army.
His mother's statue in the crypts.
Someone's blood covered hands, trembling. Are they his?
A crown made of twisted, cold iron, decorated with rose quartz and flaming red at the tips.
Then he sees himself, wearing his father's old armor from his battle at the Trident, dark red and black.
His hair is longer, he looks older, standing before the burnt ruins of Qarth, Yunkai, Meereen...
The older version of him looks directly at his younger self, like he can sense him, somehow.
"For Rhaegar Targaryen," his older self murmurs, a demeaning smile on his cracked lips.

Then Aegon's visions are suddenly ripped away and he's yanked back by Satin. Flowers' voice is distorted. Like he is speaking underwater.
"Aegon...! Aegon! Hey! You okay?!"
Aegon blinks a few times, shaking his head.
"You were murmuring to yourself while touching the tree. Let me take you back inside. It's getting late."

Stumbling slightly, he lets Satin lead him back to the Red Keep. "Rest," Flowers orders gently, making him sit in bed. "I'll get you some Milk of the Poppy. Just..stay here, okay?" With a kiss to the forehead, Satin rushes off.
"Did you see those visions, too?" He whispers.
'I did,' Egg answers after a long moment. 'Jon...look at your dresser...'

He looks, and almost wants to vomit right then and there. Resting on the wood, is the same iron crown, red tips, rose quartz stones and everything.
Slowly, he gets up and takes the crown. It's cold, made of iron. He looks in the mirror and puts it on his head. Perfect fit, Rhaegar must have ordered it made especially for him. He takes off the necklace, watching his black hair ripple and be washed away by the platinum blonde, eyes turning lilac purple again.

Aegon feels his panic and hysteria suddenly melt away and he smiles, letting his tears fall at the irony.
"For Rhaegar Targaryen..." he repeats his future self's words, his confidence coming back.
Satin comes back with Rhaegar and Arthur, holding the small container with Milk of the Poppy.
"Aegon?" Rhaegar asks, fear in his voice.
"Father," he answers back, looking over at the three. He wipes his tears away, standing taller. "Thank you for the crown," is all he can think to say, walking over and hugging them all as his sanity crumbles more.

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