Chapter Thirty-Nine: Seven Gods

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(Song: Rains Of Castamere)


Too worried about Prince Aegon to sleep, Satin Flowers wanders the halls of the Red Keep. After Aegon had hugged them all, he ended up sleeping, almost collapsing from exhaustion.
Once he was deemed safe, Rhaegar tearfully locked the prince in his room, and ordered a guard be stationed at his door.

Like Rhaegar and Arthur, Satin just wants Aegon to be healthy and happy. While exploring with King Rhaegar, the king had shown him the small sept in the Red Keep, telling him he can enter at any time in need for guidance or prayer. Might as well do that now.
The sept itself is small, contained to a single room with lit candles and items placed on tables to represent the Seven.

Since Satin grew up in Oldtown, he is a follower of the Faith. Worried, he enters the room and walks up to the table of the Mother, lowering his head in respect.
"My Lady," he begins, getting on his knees before the altar that holds the delicate flowers.
"Prince Aegon had fallen ill. Very ill. Please keep him safe," his voice is frail, tightened by anxiety.
"Along with King Rhaegar and everyone else within the Red Keep. I know they are all worried for the prince."

A few moments of silence pass as he kneels in the small room, the candles flickering.
"Guide him towards your love again. He needs it."
He moves on to the other gods, except for the Stranger. That one always made him feel uneasy.
Once he is done praying, he snuffs out the candles and exits the room.

"...High in the halls of the kings who are gone, Jenny would dance with her ghosts..."
Satin stops walking, listening at the sudden ghostly song he hears from down the hall.
He recognizes the song from somewhere. Did one of the female prostitutes sing it? Satin cannot recall.
"...The one she had lost, and the ones she had found. And the ones who had loved her the most..."

He walks closer, the singing getting louder.
Reluctantly, he joins in softly, his singing voice not as good as the other one. "The ones who've been gone for so very long. She couldn't remember their names..."
"...They spun her around on the damp old stone. Spun away all her sorrow and pain..." the male voice continues softly.

The wooden door is slightly open, and Satin peeks inside. He sees Rhaegar sitting on the floor, knees drawn up to his chest as he looks into the fire.
He's never seen King Rhaegar look so...small and afraid.
The king finishes his song, then switches to another one, his voice deeper and tone darker.

"And who are you, the proud lord said, that I must bow so low?" Satin doesn't recognize this song at all, but he shivers at the tone, the darkness of it.
"Only a cat of a different coat, that's all the truth I know. In a coat of gold, or a coat of red, a lion still has claws. And mine are long and sharp my lord, as long as sharp as yours..."

Rhaegar's hand goes through his hair, Satin noticing how sleep deprived he appears.
"And so he spoke, and so he spoke, that lord of Castamere. But now the rains weep over his halls, and not a soul to hear..."
Satin must have made a sound because the king looks up and smiles sadly at the former prostitute.
"Ah, Satin. I didn't realize I had an audience."

Meekly, Satin enters the King's chambers, feeling his blush spread to his ears. "F-forgive me, My Lord. I did not mean to intrude."
"It's all right. Come. Sit down. I assume you cannot sleep either?"
Satin obeys and sits next to the king. "Not really, Sire."

"You can just call me Rhaegar when we are alone, Satin," he says, voice gentle. "Of course, Rhaegar."
"Did you go to the sept?"
"I did. I prayed to the gods to help Prince Aegon. I want him to get better."
"You really care for him, don't you?"
Flowers nods, looking into the fire.

"I just want him to be safe. Happy. Not frightened."
Satin knows all too well what it's like to be alone and scared. "I know what you mean..." Rhaegar whispers, wiping away Satin's tears. He didn't even realize he was crying.
"Rhaegar..." he whimpers, not realizing how much sadness he's been holding back.

The king's attitude changes, his face softening as worry and concern flashes in his eyes.
Not saying anything, the king opens his arms up, letting Satin sob into his chest.
"Shhh. Things will be okay. Aegon will be okay, I know it. Thank you for praying for him."
Flowers feels Rhaegar rub his back, comforting him much like a father would.

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