Chapter Twenty-Three: Blood Of The Dragon

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In the morning, both Arthur and Rhaegar watch Aegon down in the courtyard with his dragons.
The yellow/orange one, Solar, yawns and shakes his head, frills on the back of his neck twitching with every movement.
"He's getting better at training them," Arthur observes. Rhaegar nods, proudness shining in his eyes, then he turns back to his old friend.

"Have you been feeling better, Arthur?" He asks, worry in his purple eyes. Arthur nods. "I have, Your Grace," he murmurs. Rhaegar doesn't look convinced.
"You can tell me what is wrong, my friend," he grabs Arthur's hand gently.

"I..." he trails off, not knowing how to answer without weirding Rhaegar out, and he is the King! Arthur doesn't even know if Rhaegar is comfortable with falling for a man or a woman.
He decides to start over, looking at his friend dead in the eyes, figuring it is now or never.

"Your Grace—Rhaegar...I feel an intimacy around you. Please forgive me, but I cannot help it. I know this is rather insensitive since you state you still love Lyanna. I just..." he trails off again, feeling tears burning in his eyes.
He sees Rhaegar's eyes soften, a slight smile forming on his lips.

"Ser Arthur, I already know. The cooking, you laying down your life for me. I've known for quite some time. I recall the glances you'd give after sword training when I was still a prince," he laughs softly.
"A-and you are not insulted?" Arthur stammers.

"What? No, of course not. I'm honored, honestly. I know homosexuality is more accepted here in Dorne. I cannot say how I feel for certain, I am still working that out but..." he smiles and leans in, making Arthur back up until his back is pressed against a pillar.
"Your Grace—!" His plea is silenced by a light kiss to the lips.

The kiss is short and sweet, but it felt like an eternity for Arthur. Dayne feels his body shut down, almost numb. Rhaegar pulls away, looking amazed that he just did that. "Thank you," he whispers, glancing back down at the courtyard. "For serving under me, Arthur."
Then the King is gone, leaving the faint scent of lavenders in his wake.
The bathing room in Starfall castle is fairly large, with a pool built into the floor and lined with tiles. A fountain made of rock is in the middle of said pool, sending warm water into the cool one to keep it at an even temperature.

Heart still hammering, Arthur enters the bathing room alone, fingers grazing his lips. He still cannot believe Rhaegar had done that. Setting his clean clothes on the floor, he undresses and gets into the pool, wanting to calm down.
After he washes himself, Arthur gets dressed and walks back out into the courtyard.

The purple dragon, Orchid, is watching Rhaegar get on her back. "What is His Grace doing?" Arthur asks the prince. "Currently learning how to ride on her. Father seems happy to do so."
"I see," he nods, smiling.
They watch Rhaegar grab her spines and get into position. Aegon smiles. "Ready?"

"As I'll ever be," the King answers back.
"You'll be fine, father." Aegon assures him. Orchid gets a running start with roars of encouragement from her brother and sister.
The purple beast leaps into the air and flaps her wings hard, the sound like a thunderclap.

"Whoo!" Aegon yells, laughing. Arthur laughs as well.
After flying around the castle a few times, Orchid lands back in the courtyard. Rhaegar gets off Orchid, petting her neck as a way of saying thank you.
"How was that?" Aegon asks.
The King looks happy, pulling his boy into a hug.
"It was wonderful. Thank you for letting me experience that."

"Anytime," Aegon smiles.
"I did hear there is also a festival happening in KingsGrave in the Red Mountains, in case either of you are interested," Arthur says, walking over.
"I might stay here at Starfall, but thank you, Arthur," Rhaegar nods.
"Could I go? I've never really been to a festival before," Aegon states.
Rhaegar looks hesitant. "Well...."

"Please?" Aegon murmurs. "I'm not a little boy anymore, father."
"I know, but you will always be my little boy," Rhaegar says, with sadness in his eyes.
"Very well," Rhaegar nods after a moment of silence. "I will remain here."

Aegon laughs and hugs his father. "I'll bring you both back something as a gift!" He shouts, rushing off into Starfall to pack his bag.
"I worry for him," Rhaegar admits once he and Arthur are alone.
"I do not blame you. As a king, he is your heir. As a father, he is your son. That is what every parent does, worrying for their children," the knight bows.
"He should return by nightfall, my king. I will stay up to make sure he returns safely."
"I know you will, Arthur. You are always a man of your word," Rhaegar smiles, walking back inside with him.

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