Chapter Eleven: His Grace

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(Jenny of Oldstones by Ramin Djawadi.)

The King holds his son close as he sits in the chair near the fireplace. The rainstorm still hasn't given up, hammering against the rock on DragonStone relentlessly.
Wrapped in a blanket like a babe, Aegon leans his head against his father's chest.

Rhaegar thinks Aegon did this to cheer him up. Well, he isn't wrong about that. Just knowing that his son and Arthur are here makes him feel better. "How did things go in King's Landing?" Aegon asks and yawns.
"Surprisingly well. Tywin Lannister appeared along with his son Jaime. We made a peace agreement, they won't attack as long as Jaime is in the King's Guard," Rhaegar answers.

Aegon nods, eyelids droopy. Rhaegar smiles and sings softly:
"High in the halls of the kings who are gone,
Jenny would dance with her ghosts.
The ones she had lost, and the ones she had found,
And the ones who had loved her the most.
The ones who'd been gone for so very long,
She couldn't remember their names.
They spun her around on the damp old stone,
Spun away all her sorrow and pain.

And she never wanted to leave,
Never wanted to leave,
Never wanted to leave,
Never wanted to leave....
They danced through the day, and into the night,
Through the snow that swept through the hall.
From Winter, to Summer, and Winter again,
'Til the walls did crumble and fall.

And she never wanted to leave,
Never wanted to leave,
Never wanted to leave,
Never wanted to leave...
High in the halls of the kings who are gone,
Jenny would dance with her ghosts.
The ones she had lost, and the ones she had found,
And the ones who had loved her the most..."

Aegon is completely asleep by the time Rhaegar finishes his song. Smiling sadly, he lets his tears fall. The prince looks so much like Lyanna that it makes Rhaegar's heart ache. Slowly, he gets up and lays Aegon down in bed, moving some of the dark hair from his face.

"We'll go back to King's Landing soon, I promise," he whispers, then kisses his forehead and blows out the candle on the bedside table.
Leaving Aegon to sleep, Rhaegar exits the room and goes to the kitchen.
He pours himself a glass of wine and looks into the large fireplace, thinking.
"Can't sleep either?" Arthur asks gently, walking over, already dressed in a simple purple and silver robe, the colors of House Dayne.

"I'm afraid not," he muses, sitting down and pouring a glass for his friend. Arthur takes it with a nod of thanks, sitting across from him.
"I've been thinking about Lyanna a lot lately," he admits.
"Oh?" Sadness shines in Arthur's lilac eyes.
"The older Aegon gets, the more he looks like her. If I had known she was pregnant, I would have never left her in that Tower of Joy. I would have stayed. I should have stayed. Maybe things would have been different. She would be ruling by my side as Queen."

Arthur looks at his friend sadly, sipping his wine.
"I still love her, and I always will. When I saw her at the Tourney at Harrenhal, I knew she was different from the other Starks. She had that wild look about her, like nothing could get in her way. Almost like..." he trails off.

"Like a wolf? Beauty and grace but could damage your face?" Arthur smiles. Rhaegar laughs. "Yes, like that." Then he sighs. "The first time I took Aegon to Winterfell, he wanted to explore the crypts. I didn't let him, but he somehow snuck away from my watch. I don't know how long he was down there in the cold and dimly lit hallway. But he looked to peace, almost. That's the only way I can describe it. He was only eight, what did he know about death?
But the way he looked up at her statue, like he saw her as more of a goddess than a mother," he finishes his drink.

"He didn't cry when I picked him up and carried him back out. He simply looked at Lyanna's statue at eye level and smiled. Like...he knew she was watching over him," Rhaegar rubs his eyes.
"I wasn't with you during your travel to Winterfell, but I recall you entering King's Landing with Aegon, that same look of sadness in your eyes like when you found out she passed away." Arthur sighs, leaning back.

"I can hardly know what conflict goes on in your heart, but know that you still have your son and I. We will always be here," the Commander promises.
"I know," Rhaegar's voice shakes, setting his glass down, letting his tears fall for the second time tonight.
"I know, and I thank you."

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