Chapter Thirty-Three: Family Dinner

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(Song: Things I Do For Love)


The prince makes sure the necklace is still firmly around his neck before he exits his room and goes into the dining hall. He can already smell the food, the roasting meats, potatoes, gravy, baked bread, and hard cheese. But he is too nervous to eat.
He hasn't seen his mother's side of the family since the party when he had returned home after five years.

Gathering up his courage, he exits his room and walks down the hall. 'The others will be happy to see you,' Egg comments quietly.
"I'm certain they will," Aegon replies, keeping his voice low.
He can hear laughter coming through the closed doors of the dining room. Gripping the golden handle with a gloved hand, he pulls it open.

The scent of meat and roasting peppers makes his eyes water. After blinking a few times, he looks to see the others at the table talking, nobody noticing him yet over the orchestra music.
He sees his cousins Robb, Sansa, Arya, Bran, and Rickon all talking and eating.
Rhaegar looks relaxed for once after his capture, talking with Lord Stark about the trip to King's Landing.

Catelyn is talking with Ser Arthur.
But there is also a person he does not recognize.
Aegon scans her (at least, he assumes she is a girl by the long hair), over. She looks young, no older than eighteen, with pale skin, black hair, and dark eyes.
Her face is narrow, the candlelight reflecting off her eyes as she sits next to Robb.
Was this the surprise Robb mentioned in the letter?

Aegon walks over and sits next to his father.
Rhaegar smiles. "Glad to see you came to eat, I was about to send a servant to your room," he says.
"Worry not, father," Aegon replies, trying not to look at the dark haired doppelgänger sitting across from him.
"Forgive me, who is this?" He asks.

"Satin Flowers, my crown prince," Satin answers.
"Satin requested to come with us on our journey here. He says he wants to work in the Red Keep and needs a place to stay," Robb explains.
Aegon nods, almost choking on his wine but managing to keep a straight face. He feels like an idiot for not noticing that Satin is a man.

"I see. Father, what do you say to this?" He looks at the king. "That depends. Satin, I assume you do not have any living relatives?" Rhaegar asks.
"I'm afraid not, My Lord," Satin answers, his voice soft and sweet. It's startling how similar he looks to Aegon, save for the eye color and lack of scars.
"My mother died of sickness and the brothel I was born and raised in has closed down due to the building being old. I am simply looking for a safe place to stay," he says calmly.

"I understand," Rhaegar nods, a look of pity in his purple eyes. "You say you worked at a brothel?"
"Indeed. I received my name from that brothel in Oldtown. Selling my body in exchange for coins to simply feed myself, I had to make due just to survive. Once the brothel closed down, it gave me an excuse to leave," Satin explains.
Rhaegar nods again. "That must have been difficult."
Aegon knows about his father's dislike for how the poor have to live, but even a king can only do so much.

"What skills do you have, know..." Rhaegar clears his throat.
"I can cook," Satin starts, adjusting the fur cloak over his dainty shoulders, "clean, sew. However, my reading and writing is not the best."
"Hm. I will allow you to stay here a week, and we shall see if you are fit to stay here by then," Rhaegar states.

Satin smiles, and Aegon forces himself to keep eating. Robb shoots the prince a smile.
"You are too gracious, My Lord," Satin says.
"Nonsense. You appear to be a nice lad. I will have a guest room arranged after dinner."
"You are Prince Aegon Targaryen, correct?"
Aegon turns around to see Satin walk out onto the balcony with him, watching the dragons fly overhead.
"I am. Satin, right?"
The man nods, bowing with a dip of his head.
"It's a pleasure getting to meet you alone. Forgive me, I had first mistaken you as a servant when you entered, not the crown prince. Your lord father and you have quite the contrast."

"I suppose we do," Aegon says, hand twitching to the necklace, wanting to show Satin and the others what he looks like now. Satin smiles again, leaning against the railing.
"This is going to sound horrible," he starts, looking up at the moon. "But I first thought you were a girl."

Satin laughs, not looking offended at all.
"Worry not, Prince Aegon, many before you have mistaken me for female," he snorts.
Aegon can feel his face burn, hoping it's not obvious.
"You said you used to work as a hustler. I am deeply sorry you had to go that route," Aegon sighs.
Satin shrugs, not seeming to be bothered.

"My mother was a prostitute, I was only following in her footsteps to survive," he says, voice still light.
"Right," Aegon says, not knowing how else to respond.
"Satin, your guest room is ready," Arthur says, then walks back inside.
"Ah, I suppose that is my que to head inside," sighs Satin, then takes Aegon's hand and kisses his knuckles.
His lips are soft. "It has been a pleasure talking with you, Prince Aegon," he smiles, then releases his grip and walks inside.

'If you blush any harder, you'll begin steaming like the dragons,' Egg teases.
"Oh, hush," Aegon stammers, crossing his arms, then goes inside as well.
The week passes surprisingly quickly. Satin proves to be a helping hand around the Red Keep. He cooks and cleans like the rest of the staff, and is getting paid fairly.
"Satin Flowers," Rhaegar starts as the man rises from a bow.
"My Lord," he nods. Aegon watches from the sidelines.

"You have proven more than enough helping around, and I thank you for that," the king smiles.
"With pleasure, My Lord," Satin responds kindly.
"As for your current situation..." he says, leaning forward on the Iron Throne, "I can allow you to live here free of charge. You may still help around, but that is not required if you accept."

"I will take whatever help I can receive, King Rhaegar," Satin responds, smiling slightly.
"Good, and one other thing," Rhaegar adds.
"Anything, sir," the man blinks.
"This is entirely optional, but Prince Aegon is in need of a Squire. Since I noticed the two of you getting along so well, I figured I could offer you the position."
Satin's pretty, dark eyes widen.

"My Lord—if you are so certain..." even his sweet voice sounds shocked.
"I insist," Rhaegar smiles. "But this is optional."
Satin looks back at Aegon, who looks just as stunned.
"If My Lord insists," Satin says as he turns to face the king again, "I would gladly take the position."
The king nods. "Aegon? How do you feel about this?"

"Whatever works for you, father," Aegon keeps his voice steady. He sees Satin smile at his response, and Aegon feels like he is about to burst into flame.
'Satin as a Squire. I think your lord father knows about your feelings.' Egg laughs.

"Me, a Squire! Can you believe it?" Satin sounds excited as both him and Aegon walk in the gardens.
"I still cannot believe it," Aegon laughs nervously.
"What do Squires do, my prince?" He asks.
"Well," Aegon stammers, "you act as a personal attendant, meaning you have a rank now."
"Ah, so I can pleasure you if desired."
Aegon makes a choking noise. "That's not what l—"
Satin laughs. "I jest, Prince Aegon," he jokes, keeping pace with the prince.

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