Chapter Thirty-Two: Fire and Blood

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(Song: Victory Does Not Make Us Conquerors)


The capital known as Sunspear, once known for its beauty, is now a ruin of burnt stone, corpses, and ash.
Any survivors were rounded up in front of Aegon and Rhaegar.
Only a handful survived the slaughter, all of them covered in ash or burnt to some degree.

Looming overhead on the large dunes of sand, Cobalt, Orchid, and Solar snort out smoke.
"Father," Aegon nods to him to carry out his order.
Rhaegar looks at his son, shaking slightly.
"What shall we do with the survivors?" Arthur asks shakily.
"I..." Rhaegar is speechless for once, feeling like his throat is covered in sand. "I do not know," he admits quietly.

"Bend the knee," Aegon states, hands tightening at his sides. "And swear loyalty to House Targaryen, then we can put this all behind us. Right, father?"
"Of course," Rhaegar admits, knowing he would have done the same if he was in Aegon's position, but still shocked that he did it.

"I did not come here for a peace agreement, only to get my father back," Aegon starts. "And I have kept my end of the bargain. Now, bend the knee."
The survivors shake, but do not obey. Rhaegar can see Ellaria Martell glaring at them both, her silks burnt.
Cobalt snorts and roars loudly, causing most of the people to kneel.

Ellaria doesn't. A few of the guards force her closer to the king and prince. "You will not kneel?" Aegon asks.
"Not to dragon spawn," she shakes, voice full of emotion. "Not since this devil married Elia, then had her and her children die! If you think the remaining few will submit, you are horribly misinformed!"

Rhaegar exhales sharply at the mention of Elia.
"My son kept his promise. Kneel if you want to live," he growls, shocking Ellaria. "No," is all she says.
"You'll have to burn me as well!" A male voice calls from the crowd.
"Oberyn..." Ellaria looks hurt.
"Prince Oberyn Martell," Rhaegar notes.
"Rhaegar," Oberyn spats.

"You refuse to kneel as well?" The king asks.
"I do. Ser Arthur Dayne, how dare you serve this demon!" The prince of Sunspear glares at Arthur.
"I simply do as I command," Arthur says sternly, then looks at Rhaegar.
Oberyn puts two and two together. "Oh, you love the king, don't you?"
Arthur exhales sharply. "That is none of your concern," he whispers.

"Enough," all kindness leaves Rhaegar's voice, replaced with iron. "If you refuse, then you will die. Do you understand that?"
Oberyn and Ellaria say nothing.
Aegon speaks as executioner.
"Prince Oberyn Martell, Ellaria Sand; I, Aegon Targaryen, sixth of his name, in the name of King Rhaegar Targaryen, sentence you to die," Aegon looks at his father and nods.
"Dracarys," both Targaryens say.

Orchid spreads her wings wide and blasts them with purple fire, hot enough that it fuses some of the sand into glass. Once she stops breathing fire, all that remains of the two is smoking ash and glass.
The other survivors bend the knee instantly.
The purple beast growls, then lowers her head to nuzzle Rhaegar.
"I believe we're finished here," Aegon says, a look of slight sadness in his purple eyes, then he walks off to Cobalt.
Rhaegar is surprised to hear people cheering as they fly over King's Landing on Orchid's back.
The purple dragon lands in the courtyard and lowers herself to let Rhaegar off.

"Thank you, Orchid," he smiles, petting her.
She purrs softly, blinking her wine red eyes at him.
Once he is inside, he is given Milk of the Poppy for any lasting pain. The Martell's did not hurt him too badly, mainly kept him in a dark cell.
"Your Grace," Arthur walks up to him, worry in his purple eyes. "They did not harm you, did they?"

"Nothing major, Arthur," he assures his friend.
"But I was thinking of going to DragonStone for a bit of a break."
"I understand," the knight nods, looking like he wants to hug the king.
Rhaegar smiles slightly, then hugs his friend.
Arthur hugs him back, his King's Guard armor cold.
"Take all the time you need, My Lord..."
A few days pass without incident. Rhaegar had received a letter from Lord Stark about inviting his family over for dinner and should arrive within a day or two.
Word of Rhaegar's capture had not gotten very far, he had only been gone for, at most, a day.
As for House Martell, the handful of survivors were put to the sword if they did not swear loyalty.

Rhaegar informed the Maesters to add House Martell to the extinct houses of Westeros.
Tyene Sand is also deceased, Obara and Nymeria not knowing of their other family's demise.
The king goes to Aegon's room to tell him of the Stark family coming over soon.
"Aegon," Rhaegar knocks on his son's doorframe.

The prince looks up. "Yes?"
"Lord Eddard Stark and his family are coming over soon for dinner. I figured I would let you know. Robb also sent me a letter, saying he had a surprise for you," Rhaegar hands him the scroll.
"I see," Aegon looks a little nervous, taking the scroll in his hands. "What about..." he motions to his face and hair.
"I can tell them before they enter. Well, probably not that you died..." Rhaegar trails off, a faint smile on his lips.
"Or..?" Aegon urges him.

"Or you could use this," he hands his son the Targaryen necklace he had bought a while back.
"The necklace?"
"I had met up with Kinvara again after your revival, and asked her if there was any way she could enchant it with glamor. She said yes and gave it back to me. Simply wear this, and you will look like your past self."

Aegon slowly takes the necklace, looking reluctant.
"Are you certain?"
"As certain as you were when you brought dragons back to Westeros," Rhaegar smiles.
Aegon takes Rhaegar's hand and walks him to his dresser with the mirror.
After breathing out a shaky sigh, he places the necklace on his neck.

Instantly, his platinum blonde hair darkens back to black, his eyes turning back into the Stark's blue-grey with the small amount of purple circling the pupil.
Aegon laughs, looking like he's about to cry.
He hugs his father. "Thank you."
"Anytime, Aegon." He kisses his cheek.
"You can remove it later on, and you'll change back to your old form."

"Oh. I've also been meaning to give you this," He lets go of his father and removes an object from under his bed. Rhaegar is shocked to see the legendary sword Blackfyre in Aegon's hands. He bows to his father.
"I found Blackfyre on DragonStone back when I was fifteen, and have been wanting to give it to you for the longest time. It is yours, father."
Stunned, he gently takes the sword and studies it in the candlelight.

"Oh, Aegon," Rhaegar looks like he is about to cry as well. "You didn't have to do this."
"I know, I just assumed you would need this. Take it as a promise that I will not leave your side again," he smiles faintly, sniffing.
Rhaegar laughs softly and ruffles his dark hair.
"Thank you, my son and—for what you did back in Dorne."
Aegon nods. "Anything to save you, father."

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