"This is different, Cassy," Will looked at her excitedly. "These two are meant to be. It's going to be great!"

"I don't know how you all didn't expect Eros and his brother to find out," she said. "They're always looking over these screens, especially when a new couple comes."

"So, that's how they found out," Benny pondered to himself. "I was wondering."

"You should always be on your toes with this one around," she thumbed over to Will. "Especially when he gets these crazy feelings about people."

"But this is a true feeling, Cassy."

"It's always a good feeling to you, Will," she laughed. "That's why I love helping you out so much."

"You two are friends?" Sarah asked. Everyone knew Cassandra. She was the leader of the filing department, and had been there as long as Sarah could remember. Her knowledge of cases were comparable with the gods themselves, and she was great to get advice from in regards to a case.

Cassy had been in the department since the 1800s. She loved to brag about how long she worked for the filing department, and was the only one to do so. Everyone else who started out in that department wound up moving on to something else and moving forward in their careers. But she decided to stay behind and try her best to keep things organized. The woman had a big heart, even when she was human, apparently. But her passion was found sorting through files rather than shooting arrows like all the other cupids.

"It's nice to meet you officially," Cassy looked at the nervous blond that was there. "You must be Benny."

"You've heard of me?" he gave her a nervous laugh. He knew that he had broken a few hearts before, but he didn't know that he was that well known.

"I know everyone," the woman told him. "You forget that you all had a file of your own when you were all human."

"You've seen our files?" Justin asked this time. The idea made him a little uncomfortable. "Like, everyone who's ever been here in the department?!"

"I wouldn't go that far," Cassy chuckled. "I'm not that old. But I've seen many files come in and out of this department."

Many people didn't realize just how amazing this place could be. Where they saw files and boring paperwork, she saw stories and lives within the thick papers in each folder. They were their own magic, because the more they grew, the more life that persons had. And she was devoted to keeping track of each and every one of them.

"Which one was your favorite?" Benny asked, excited about all of this. This would most likely be the only time that he would be this excited over something like this.

"Oliver's," she answered. "Although, Will's case made a close second. Even as a human, he brought so much controversy."

"I had no idea I was until I got here," he gave her a playful wink.

"Oliver?" Sarah asked. "I don't think I've met that person yet."

"Oh, he's around here somewhere," Cassy said, walking around the room. Then she put her hands over her mouth and yelled for the man. Pretty soon, movement could be seen in a small corner of the room. And a small scrawny man rubbed his eyes and looked up. The freckles on his face were obvious to see in the bright light of the department. He wore all white as well, with the same golden scroll on his shirt and pants. He looked rather professional, if it weren't for the hair that looked to be permanently disheveled.

"Yes, Mrs. Cassandra?" he asked rather fearfully. He caught onto Will's eyes to have him smile at him.

"Come over here and introduce yourself!" she told him. "You'll have to excuse him, he's a little new to this line of work, and he's still a bit shy."

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