Chapter 28

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Lan Wangji turned towards both his brother and his uncle who were still looking at him with shocked expressions. He held himself back from giving them an angry glare. Even though he understood what Wei Wuxian had meant and what mistake he had just been about to commit, he could not help himself but to think of all those thousand years of suffering that Wei Wuxian had to go through because of them.

However, just as the other had said, it had not been them who were guilty. It had been their past life selves whom they did not remember anymore. Moreover, Lan Wangji could tell that they had not done anything even remotely similar in this life and even looked kind of sorry when watching Wei Wuxian now. That was good, it seemed like they understood at least to some extend and were now feeling guilty and having a will to reform themselves. That was the best he would get apparently.

He helped Wei Wuxian up and let him lean against him for support. They were now both adults. His body was feeling very foreign to him, especially given the fact that Lan Wangji had been just a child this very morning. Everything had changed so quickly he could hardly believe it.

He glared at Lan Qiren again for a good measure when the elder spoke first to him and then to Wei Wuxian: "Lan Zhan – or is it Lan Wangji now? – I am glad you have decided to take up your duties and reign justly above both the heavenly and the mortal realms. Even if you do not believe it now, I am very proud of you, it is no easy task to be the god of righteousness and justice.

And Wei Wuxian, I am not sure what exactly I have done in my previous life. But if it had made Lan Wangji this angry on your behalf, it must have been something truly terrible. Even though it may sound hypocrite or come too late, I still want to apologize to you and hope you can forgive me. I am glad that we have a god of wisdom between us once again. It had been hard these last centuries and we all know that the mortal realm desperately needs you."

Although this was not what Lan Wangji had expected to hear, he felt strangely at peace. He had already come to terms with everything. Or, perhaps not everything but he could tell that Wei Wuxian who was now holding his hand in the cover of their robes had. Waves of contentment and calm were coming out of him and Lan Wangji was basking in them. His anger had disappeared as if by magic.

And now, just as Wei Wuxian had said before, he was happy that he had not been too rush and had not condemned his uncle. It would have not been a wise decision and it would have completely destroyed the fragile balance inside the Heavenly Court. All the more that Lan Qiren was mostly not guilty of anything, just as Wei Wuxian had said, it had been his past self and he had no recollection of these actions. It was sad but it was the reality of things.

In the future, he would have to be more careful when making judgement. He had almost done just what he had feared the most, only Wei Wuxian had saved him in time. He had to learn to be more patient, more just and listen to all sides of the story before making a conclusion. He had a lot to learn still and right now, he could not imagine anything more exciting than walking this path with Wei Wuxian at his side.

He was about to ask his uncle for permission to keep Wei Wuxian close to him but it seemed like it was not necessary at all. Lan Xichen was already proposing just what he had wanted: "Lan Wangji, Wei Wuxian, as you have both officially taken up your duties just now and need to learn a lot more about the mortal realm, I suggest that you depart together to discover how humans in the lower realm live. They need you, both your wisdom and your judgment, they had been without them for way too long. Hopefully, with you two, the human world would be able to become a better place in the near future. Would you like to go?"

Lan Wangji immediately knew what was his answer and he did not even have to look at Wei Wuxian to know his as well. They were both more than ready to go and excited for the new experience. Still, Lan Wangji glanced towards his uncle to confirm that he agreed with their new assignment.

His uncle nodded and looked at both of them in turn: "Go and learn about the affairs of the mortal realm. Just as Lan Xichen had said, you need the experience and the people need your wisdom. I can already see that you will make a great difference in this turbulent and foolish world."

Lan Wangji bowed to Lan Qiren in respect and at the same time in goodbyes. There was no time to lose, he wanted to see the mortal realm which he had never been allowed to visit before. Wei Wuxian also bowed next to him and excitement and happiness were all but radiating from him. Lan Wangji had to smile. They left the Heavenly Court hand in hand, both smiling and glancing at each other.

Once they were outside, Wei Wuxian stopped and turned around, facing Lan Wangji now. He was bouncing up and down in one place and his whole being was so bright that Lan Wangji was thinking he would become blind if he continued looking. But of course he would never look away, not from his soulmate.

"So, where should we go first?" Wei Wuxian asked, barely keeping himself steady anymore.

"To where there is chaos and people have a need of us," Lan Wangji replied solemnly, fully embracing his duties.

Wei Wuxian nodded with even more excitement than before and they both left for the mortal realm. Their goal was to teach the humans about wisdom and righteousness and make the world a better place.

And they wander the world of the humans until today. The End.I hope you have enjoyed this short story. I tried to portray that justice should never be blind and that one should not hold grudges nonsensically. I hope it was making sense and the aim of the story came across. Thank you for reading and if you feel like it, I would love to hear what you have thought about the story :)

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