Chapter 22

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Lan Wangji was observing how Wei Wuxian was marvelling at the world and he was both happy and sad for him. Happy, because it was clear that the boy was enjoying the world more than anyone else he had ever seen and sad because it looked like this was the first time he was seeing everything. He behaved like gods after reincarnation, only he had not been dead but sealed away all alone in this desolate place.

Lan Wangji was relieved that at last now, his situation would change. He was determined to help Wei Wuxian to adapt to the world and to enjoy it. He wanted to show him everything he liked and everything which could be of interest to him and observe his innocent and excited reactions.

"Lan Zhan!" he heard from a distance and was suddenly thrown out of his thoughts.

He turned his head to see who was calling for him, mourning that he had to stop looking at his innocent charge. He frowned a bit when he realised it was Nie Huisang who had been apparently send to fetch him. Lan Qiren must be looking for him. He sighed internally, why did his uncle had to ruin such a special moment? He surely only wanted to give him a lecture about being too slow in assuming his duties.

He watched as Nie Huisang came closer and his displeasure was only growing. Then, his heart melted when he realized that Wei Wuxian was apparently pretty shy and was hiding himself in his chest. It was very sweet and adorable; he drew him even closer.

When he looked up again, Nie Huisang was already standing in front of him, looking at him with a shocked and unsure expression. Lan Wangji wondered what was happening. Usually, the god of fine arts was not one to be overly surprised when seeing someone new. But, he was not really looking at Wei Wuxian, was he? Lan Wangji was now confused as well. Why did it look like Nie Huisang did not recognize him?

True to his suspicion, Nie Huisang asked to reassure himself: "Lan Zhan?"

"Nie Huisang," Lan Wangji confirmed that they indeed knew each other.

Nie Huisang was watching him with wide opened eyes now, as if he saw him for the first time ever. "Oh, so it is you..." he said slowly while examining him again from head to toes. "Had something happened? Had you finally decided to pick up your duties? You do not look like a child anymore. Actually, you look like a handsome teenager who is ready to go to the lower realm to learn how to be a proper god."

Lan Wangji stared at Nie Huisang completely blankly. What was he talking about? How could Lan Wangji had changed this quickly? Was Nie Huisang making fun of him? If this was some kind of a joke, it surely was not funny. However, if it was the truth, it would actually explain a few things.

He looked down at his own body. Only one glance was enough to confirm that Nie Huisang's observation was indeed true. His body was no longer that of a child but a young teenager, perhaps the same age as Wei Wuxian now that he was thinking about it. His clothes were too small for him and his ankles were awkwardly sticking out of his robes. He must have gained at least five years in appearance from the moment he had come here today.

Was it because of Wei Wuxian's words of reassurance and encouragement perhaps? Have they helped him to accept himself and his duties? It was entirely possible; he had been feeling so relieved and determined to apply them ever since hearing them. This was also probably why he had had no problems manhandling Wei Wuxian who he had thought had been older than him, it turned out that it was him who had aged actually.

He shook his head internally, still trying to come to terms with this change. It looked like Wei Wuxian was not the only one who had something to get used to.

While he had been musing about his new appearance, he almost overheard Nie Huisang's teasing. Usually, he did not play along with him and only shot him down as soon as the other had said something ridiculous or had praised his features. As a god of fine arts, he had an inclination to spot beauty and admire it, but Lan Wangji did not like to be the one in his interest.

"Shameless," he shot him down and pointedly looked away to show just how done he was with Nie Huisang's praises.

It seemed like the other took the clue and was now shifting the conversation to another topic: "And who is this young fellow?"

Lan Wangji did not have to even look up to know that he must have been talking about Wei Wuxian. Suddenly, he was seized by a strong urge to protect his vulnerable charge and he drew him closer to his chest. He was almost sure that Nie Huisang would never hurt a fly, much less another god, but he just could not help himself. It was like an instinct shouting right in his face that he needed to be there for Wei Wuxian.

He was about to introduce him but he stopped himself just before the name he had given the other boy left his lips. It did not feel right to just give it away like that. It was a treasure between him and Wei Wuxian, something Lan Wangji had given him and only him. No one else should know about it. He thought quickly about how he should get out of this situation.

He had to say something lest Nie Huisang would be even more curious and start digging around. Lan Wangji knew just how much this particular god loved mysteries and riddles. He did not want Wei Wuxian to become one of them, something that Nie Huisang would think he had to solve. Moreover, despite gossip being forbidden in the heavenly realm, there was still un unhealthy amount of it flying all around, and Lan Wangji had no doubts who was at its origin.

He picked the first name which came to mind and all but blurted it out, hoping that it would not be too hurtful to Wei Wuxian that he was giving him another strange name which did not really describe him at all: "This is Mo Xuanyu."

Wei Wuxian drew himself closer to his chest and snuggled there. It was all the confirmation Lan Wangji needed that the other did not mind. He watched him comfortably hidden against him and he was content. He however lifted his head in the end and looked back at Nie Huisang.

"So, what does my uncle want?"

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