Chapter 24

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Lan Wangji saw that Wei Wuxian needed a lot of reassurance and care even though he was already way livelier than when the seal had just been broken. He was looking all around, inspecting everything, even the most mundane of things. However, despite everything, he was still nervous and would not leave Lan Wangji's side.

Then again, it was understandable, especially if he was seeing the world for the first time ever, anyone would be overwhelmed. Lan Wangji wanted to help and he was doing the only thing he could: he never let go of Wei Wuxian's hand and whenever the boy would look especially unsure of himself or stressed, he would stop in his tracks and help with encouraging words. Luckily, Nie Huisang did the rest, like explaining how things worked in the heavenly realm and what they were about to do now.

Aside for this, Lan Wangji had his head full of worries again. He wondered what his uncle would say about Wei Wuxian's sudden appearance. Since there were no texts about any god being sealed away in the last thousand years, there was no way of knowing who Wei Wuxian might be. Would Lan Qiren accept him? Or would he make life hard for him and question him? Lan Wangji did not want that, it was sure to bring up some painful memories for Wei Wuxian.

Still, there was no way that they would be able to hide this from his uncle so he decided that he better get this over with as soon as possible. Luckily, Lan Qiren was calling him back because Lan Xichen had just returned from the mortal realm. Lan Wangji was sure that his brother would help, he was not the god of diplomacy for nothing.

Wei Wuxian's excitement suddenly disappeared replaced by uneasiness and fear when they finally approached the entrance to the Heavenly court. Suddenly, the boy's steps slowed down until he stood as a statue and refused to move forward anymore, there was a kind of haunted look in his eyes. Lan Wangji immediately turned around and reassured him once again:

"It will be fine. My brother is apparently also back from the mortal realm; he will help if needed. You have nothing to fear, I will be there with you at all times. I promise I will not leave your side."

He watched as Wei Wuxian relaxed and was glad for that. There was a look of utter gratitude in his eyes though and Lan Wangji was sad at the same time because the boy should feel in such a great debt to him over such a small thing. Lan Wangji decided that he would leave it for the time being however; they had more pressing issues to deal with.

"Ready?" he asked Wei Wuxian and when the other nodded after a second of hesitation, Lan Wangji opened the door to the Heavenly Court.

Once they were inside, Lan Wangji immediately saw that all the other gods were already present, apparently waiting just for them. They all turned their heads towards him and their eyebrows shot up in surprise after seeing that he was not alone. From their shocked reaction and curiosity in their eyes, he could tell that they did not know who Wei Wuxian was. Some were even looking in the same way at him, he must have truly changed if they could not recognize him in his older appearance.

He pointedly ignored everyone and headed straight to the throne on the other side of the room. He had always hated how he had to pass by all the gods to actually get to where his uncle was. Today, he hated that fact even more because he could feel Wei Wuxian pressing himself closer to his side and squeezing his hand until it was almost painful. He must have been very much overwhelmed.

Perhaps he did not like to receive so much attention? Or could it had been because there were too many gods around and he was not yet used to being in the company of anyone beside Lan Wangji? That was very much possible as well, especially after he had been sealed away for who knew how long, all alone. Or, and it saddened and frightened Lan Wangji most of all, was he remembering something painful because he saw the person who had sealed him away?

Everything could be possible and he knew that his speculations were just that, speculations. He had not asked Wei Wuxian to explain him anything and he would not do so until he would be sure that it would not hurt him. He could however not guarantee that when it came to his uncle or his brother.

He now stopped in front of the throne and faced his family's inquiring and surprised gazes without as much as twitching. He could tell that Wei Wuxian had hidden behind his back and his hand was now trembling. He squeezed it to reassure him but knew that he could not turn around and help him in any other way. It was painful for him as well to not be able to be there for him despite having promised just that. He had to act as a shield between Wei Wuxian and his uncle.

He did not know from where the feeling came, but he was certain that Lan Qiren was the cause of Wei Wuxian's current distress. He could tell deep down. He glared back at his uncle which made Lan Qiren draw back slightly. His aura was now not so overwhelming anymore and he thought he had heard a sigh of relief from behind him. He wondered if there had been some history between Wei Wuxian and Lan Qiren.

Lan Wangji bowed a little to show his respects to both his uncle and Lan Xichen who was standing next the throne. His brother smiled at him and nodded his head, as to Lan Qiren, he remained impassive and only continued to glare at him and Wei Wuxian. There surely must have been something, Lan Wangji could feel it even stronger now.

His uncle's words however spoke about a different story, at least from his own perspective: "Lan Zhan, welcome back, we have been waiting for you. I see you have finally decided to act responsibly and take your duties seriously. Good, that is good."

Lan Qiren was now stroking his beard in a gesture which Lan Wangji knew meant he was pleased. He bowed again, showing that he acknowledged what had been said. Yes, he had no more fear of his duties and it was all because of Wei Wuxian.

As if he had called his uncle's attention onto the boy, Lan Qiren was now looking at the unknown god, still stroking his beard. This time pensively. "And who might this young man be?" he asked.

Lan Wangji did not really know what to say. Not that he could actually explain who Wei Wuxian was when he did not know it himself. The boy was a mystery, especially his past and his duties. He remained silent.

It was Nie Huisang who came to his rescue. And just in time too since Lan Qiren was apparently becoming irritated with him if the stern and hard look on his face had anything to tell about that.

"Esteemed Ruler of the Heavenly Realm, perhaps I can explain?" proposed Nie Huisang and continued only after Lan Qiren gave a nod of acknowledgement. "I do not have much knowledge about this young man either. I just happened to come across him when he was with Lan Zhan. But from what I had understood, he had been sealed away in the outskirts of the heavenly realm and he does not really remember his past. You can call him Mo Xuanyu."

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