Chapter 21

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Wei Wuxian snuggled closer to Lan Wangji; he was now feeling warm and secure and the new environment he had been so suddenly thrown into was not scaring him as much as before. He was still confused of course, but Lan Wangji's presence was making everything so much more bearable. It was not so easy to continue breathing, although it was way better now than when he had had to take his first breath. He continued to be overwhelmed though.

Slowly, he detached his eyes from Lan Wangji's face – he thought that the other was very handsome and it was not making this job any easier – and looked around a little. What he saw had taken his breath away and he had to remind himself that if he did not want to go back to the darkness, he had to continue bringing oxygen into his lungs.

His eyes went impossibly wide and he had a strong urge to reach up and rub them, he was suspecting that all of this was just another one of his imagination's tricks. What he saw was the world of his dreams, the sun, the grass and the people, well only Lan Wangji but still someone else aside for only him. Then he looked down at his body and marvelled at the fact that now he had one and could actually move it. It was all so strange to him.

However, he knew that this time, it was real and not just some kind of mirage. He could feel Lan Wangji's hands around him and the robe he had given him to keep away the chill of the air. He felt the grass under his bare feet and when he wriggled his fingers a bit, it tickled him. He gave out a small giggle.

He did not want to wonder whether his fantasies had been reality of memories all this while or if he had just imagined how the world could look. It would bring up too many questions with which he did not want to burden himself right now. No, he would just take things as they came and be grateful for them. He could try figuring everything out later if it would be necessary. If not, well, better forget the painful parts as soon as possible.

He wriggled in Lan Wangji's arms. It was not that he did not like the position he was currently in, but now that he could move, he wanted to test his body and most importantly, he did not want to stay in one place. He needed to move around and explore his new surroundings. Everything was so new and exciting, he could not wait.

Before Lan Wangji could however release him from his hold and help him stand up, Wei Wuxian was startled by another voice. He had thought that it was just Lan Wangji and him so he was greatly surprised when his eyes found another figure approaching them. He gave up his attempts at escaping and instead, buried himself even deeper into the safe embrace.

He still peeked at the approaching person though since his curiosity was getting the best of him. They were walking quickly towards them and calling something all the while. Wei Wuxian could not be sure, but he thought it was Lan Wangji's old name. When they came closer he could finally observe them properly.

He saw a young man in olive green robes, his hair dishevelled from walking so quickly and from waving his fan so furiously in front of his face. There was a confused expression in his eyes and Wei Wuxian could not blame him. He would have also been surprised if he found a complete stranger like him all of a sudden.

The young man stopped just a few steps away from him and Lan Wangji and his eyes were darting between them. It actually looked kind of funny to see and Wei Wuxian smiled into Lan Wangji's chest where he was still hiding himself.

Then, the young man settled on looking at Lan Wangji and asked, his voice full of confusion and uncertainty: "Lan Zhan?"

Wei Wuxian was now confused himself. Did the young man not recognize Lan Wangji? Were they both strangers to him? No, that could not be, he had been calling Lan Wangji's name before. What was happening?

"Nie Huisang," greeted him Lan Wangji back.

So, they definitely knew each other, concluded Wei Wuxian. Now the question was why Lan Wangji could recognize the other person and why Nie Huisang could not.

"Oh, so it is you..." Nie Huisang said slowly while examining Lan Wangji from head to toes. Wei Wuxian was definitely missing something here. Luckily, Nie Huisang did not take long to shed some light into this whole confusing situation: "Had something happened? Had you finally decided to pick up your duties? You do not look like a child anymore. Actually," there was a small glint in Nie Huisang's eyes now, "you look like a handsome teenager who is ready to go to the lower realm to learn how to be a proper god."

Wei Wuxian looked at Lan Wangji and realized that it was true. When he could not have seen the other, he had thought that the voice he had been hearing belonged to a child but now, who he saw before him was definitely a teenager, just like him now that he was thinking about it. Had his words or his appearance in this world made Lan Wangji want to try and pick up his duties despite everything? He did not know but it was the only explanation he could come up with. He was unsure whether he should be happy or unhappy about that development.

Lan Wangji now looked down at his own body and seemed to be examining himself attentively. From his confused look, it must have been correct that he had been a child just moments ago if he did not know about the change of his appearance before being told. Once he had apparently come to terms with everything – not even a second had passed since the moment Nie Huisang had spoken, it had all happened very quickly – Lan Wangji looked back at the other.

"Shameless," he chastised and Nie Huisang's lips immediately pursed in an exaggerated pout. It made Wei Wuxian giggle.

Nie Huisang immediately abandoned his exaggerated acting and looked at him. It was making Wei Wuxian a little uncomfortable to be watched this closely. He would swear he could see the cogs inside Nie Huisang's mind turning, trying to figure out who he was.

"And who is this young fellow?" he turned to Lan Wangji after a while of silent staring.

Lan Wangji's expression did not change but Wei Wuxian could tell that he was not pleased by the attention. He drew Wei Wuxian closer to himself, not that the one in question resisted at all. He now made himself at home between those warm and strong arms. It was priceless to have someone around him after all that time he had been alone.

"This is Mo Xuanyu," answered Lan Wangji at last.

Wei Wuxian lifted his eyebrows in the cover of Lan Wangji's chest and his eyes grew wider. Why would Lan Wangji not say the name he had given Wei Wuxian before? Could it be that he did not want Nie Huisang to know? Could it be that the emotion Wei Wuxian had heard hidden well in his voice was indeed jealousy and protectiveness?

He tightened his fists which were holding Lan Wangji's robes to let the other know that he did not mind. He was actually happy that his brand new name was not being thrown around just like that. Good. Since it was Lan Wangji who had given it to him, it felt special and he found out with no small amount of surprise that he did not want to share it with anyone else. It was their small special secret just for the two of them to know.

Just seconds ago, he had no name to his existence and now he actually got two of them. Such a drastic and joyful change of circumstances.

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