Chapter 1

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"Wei Ying! What is enough is enough, you have gone too far with your prank this time! And it is not the first time either. You are just incorrigible. That is why, the whole consortium of gods has decided to punish you severely this time. Your name will be forgotten and you will be sealed away until someone calls on you."

Wei Ying was staring at the ruler of the consortium of gods in utter horror. He, as a good of mischief, was supposed to be mischievous and play pranks on everyone. Although he was also the god of wisdom, he liked his second occupancy much more, it was giving him a free hand in finding fun the boring and stuck up heavenly realm. Usually, there were no problems whatever he did. But this time, it seemed like he had angered the ruler himself and Lan Qiren had lost his patience for him.

Truth to be told, Lan Qiren had never liked him too much but had been until now overlooking his pranks under the guise of doing his job as a young god. However, it seemed like cutting off his beard had been a step too far and the cup of his patience had spilled.

Wei Ying would admit that he had perhaps overstepped his bounds just a little bit. But he was so bored here, he wanted to have some fun! He was the youngest amongst the gods and everyone was just so stuck up. It was unbearable. Not many people from the mortal realm were praying to him either. He knew that there was a war going on down there but still, it was like literally no one wanted his blessing. It was Nie Mingjue, the god of war and victory, who was getting the most prayers right now.

The only other young god in the entire realm was Nie Huisang, Nie Mingjue's brother and the god of fine arts. Usually, Wei Ying would play around with him and he would not be so bored. But because of the war and the ever increasing number of requests, Nie Huisang had to help his brother to deal with the administration and had no more time to spend with his friend.

Wei Ying had been desperate. The heavenly realm was way too boring for him and he was not yet old enough to be granted an official rank which would allow him to descend to the mortal realm and play around there. That was why he had resorted to cutting off Lan Qiren's beard, hungry for any reaction at all.

He had been repeatedly told that he was the god of wisdom and needed to know when it was appropriate to step over the boundaries and break the rules and when not. He should be the one to understand the rules the best. But he just could not care, no one ever came to him for advice anyway because he was too young and did not care to study properly as they said. But Wei Ying knew better, they just did not like him in the first place because of his mischievousness.

But being imprisoned for an undetermined amount of time was too harsh of a punishment! He would die of boredom before he would be set free again, that was if gods could actually die. He could only reincarnate if his physical body had been destroyed which it would not be. And who would ever be able to call his name if it would be forgotten? This was basically imprisonment for eternity without any possibility to get out of it.

Some of the other gods apparently saw this as well because they were watching him with pity in their eyes and whispering to each other:

"Is this not too harsh? He is so young; he only needs to learn a little discipline. Lan Qiren is being too strict with him."

"You are right, if his name shall be forgotten, how would anyone be able to call upon him? He will never be set free again."

"But... it is true that his pranks are getting more and more annoying. It would perhaps be better to let him think about his mistakes for a while. It is not like Lan Qiren would never change his mind and set him free himself."

"I am sure it is just to teach the boy a lesson."

"Shush! Be quiet! He is looking at us!"

And Wei Ying indeed was looking at them. He did not like being gossiped about despite the fact that his pranks were often hot topics in the heavenly realm where nothing interesting ever happened. He liked being the centre of attention but not in this way; he did not mind his exploits and acts being gossiped about, he just disliked being talked about in person.

He frowned at them and they immediately turned their faces away. They did not stop talking however:

"He really is insolent and disrespectful; it would do him some good to reflect on his manners. Lan Qiren Is right, for a youngster to learn his lesson, it needs to be remembered."

"Yes, our ruler is the oldest amongst us and the wisest, I am sure that he knows what is best."

It seemed that Lan Qiren had had enough of all the gossiping. Which was forbidden in the heavenly realm. Just as everything else which could be even remotely fun. It was only one of the reasons why Wei Ying had been bored to death.

He was opening his mouth to defend himself but Lan Qiren looked at him so fiercely that he closed it immediately again. He shuddered, suddenly feeling very cold and small. The world around him was for some reason getting all blurred and he had a hard time keeping his attention on the happenings inside the room.

He was feeling funny. As if someone was touching him even though there was no one around him. He could feel phantom hands on him and those were massaging his muscles with so much strength it was becoming painful. Wei Ying tried to avoid their touch but he found out he could not. There were suddenly invisible walls around him, and they were coming closer and closer to him until they were squeezing him from all sides. He was imprisoned.

He started panicking at once, trying to get out with all his might. But it was to no avail, nothing he did worked. His invisible prison was getting even smaller now and he wanted to scream, to call for someone to please stop this. To apologize to Lan Qiren and to promise not to do anything similar ever again.

He screamed and shouted but his voice would just not come out. He clawed at the walls of his prison in a desperate attempt at breaking them. Of course he did not succeed, it was not like he had not expected it, but all his rational thoughts were being overwritten by his panic. He had to get out, immediately!

The last thing Wei Ying heard and saw before being transported to the very outskirts of the heavenly realm that no one ever came about, was Lan Qiren standing above him with a grave expression and saying his verdict:

"Wei Ying. This name shall now be forgotten by everyone, both in the mortal realm and the heavenly realm. You shall remain imprisoned until someone calls you. Use this time wisely and reform yourself. Now, let the verdict be done."

Ying - "infant"; "to pester, to touch"

Wuxian - "to be free of envy and aspire to greater heights; not be misguided by honorary reputation and personal gain"

Zhan - can be used to describe a person displaying profound knowledge and/or mastery of skills in a complex field

Wangji - "to hold oneself aloof from the world"; "to forget about worldly crafts"

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