Chapter 20

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Lan Wangji was startled from his meditative state by a loud noise and trembling of the boulder behind his back. When he opened his eyes, he immediately closed them again because the boulder was shining so brightly that it was blinding him. The deafening noise continued for another few seconds and he kept his eyes closed while he put some distance between him and the source of all this chaos.

He was confused at first but he quickly realized what must have been happening. He had already suspected that the presence – Wei Wuxian now – had been imprisoned or held here against his will. Now he knew for sure. Because what else it could be than Wei Wuxian being freed from his prison inside that boulder? Although he still did not know why he had been there, it did not matter too much, he would be free now.

There was no doubt in Lan Wangji's mind that Wei Wuxian had been sealed here by mistake or by some vengeful entity. The boy was so bright and ready to help even when he himself must have been hurting deep down that Lan Wangji could not even phantom him being sealed there as a punishment for something evil. And also, he remembered reading in one of Lan Xichen's books that no god had been sealed as punishment for over a thousand years. So the reason must have been something else.

Perhaps he would be able to ask Wei Wuxian one day, but certainly not anytime soon, he would hate to bring up sad memories.

At last, the rumbling sound and the blinding light died out and Lan Wangji opened his eyes cautiously but with a great amount of curiosity. He could tell that he was not the only god here anymore and he was etching to get to see Wei Wuxian in person. It had been one thing to talk to him in his mind space and make assumptions of his own, and another thing entirely to finally be able to see him as a living and breathing being. He could tell that what had just happened had been the seal being broken.

When he opened his eyes and took a look to where the boulder had once been, he confirmed that his expectations had been correct. The boulder was no longer there and it its place laid a naked boy whose body was trembling. At first glance, Lan Wangji could not really tell but he thought that he looked a little older than him, he could have been in his early teens. His eyes were closed and he was covering his ears, he looked like he was in a state of shock.

Lan Wangji could not blame him for being confused and most probably overwhelmed. Who knew how long he had been imprisoned in that boulder and did not see the light of the day. The temperatures in the outskirts of the heavenly realm could sometimes be quite low and today just happened to be such a day. Wei Wuxian must have been cold on top of everything else.

Lan Wangji did not hesitate even for a second and he was already approaching the curled up boy all the while removing the outer layer of his own clothes. He was trying not to scare the other but he could already tell that he would do so anyway.

"Wei Wuxian," he still warned about his presence, hoping to snap the boy out of his overwhelmed state.

He could not tell if it worked or not so he took another two steps closer.

"Wei Wuxian," he called again. Perhaps the boy had not understood that he had been talking to him the first time. After all, the name must have still been quite strange to him, if not outright foreign.

Luckily, that seemed not to be the case. Wei Wuxian finally reacted and Lan Wangji let out a small sight. The other boy now let his hand slip from covering his ears and looked more tethered to the present moment. He must have still been very confused but was visibly trying his best to come to terms with the situation.

When Lan Wangji kneeled beside him and covered him with his outer robe, Wei Wuxian stirred and grabbed at his hand. His lips parted as if he wanted to say something, no sound came out however. Though, Lan Wangji could still tell what had been on the boy's mind from reading the movement of his lips. Wei Wuxian was calling his name.

Lan Wangji gently patted the hand which was holding onto him as if for dear life and whispered reassuringly: "Mn, Wei Wuxian, I am here."

The boy's expression which had been scrunched into a frown before now cleared and he snuggled closer to Lan Wangji. If he was seeking warmth, company or reassurance, Lan Wangji could not tell. But he would not withhold any of those from someone so clearly in need of them. He gathered Wei Wuxian closer to him and helped him to get into a more comfortable position. Now he had the boy half laying half sitting in his lap and was putting the robes on him more properly.

Wei Wuxian's eyes were still closed and he was now holding the rest of Lan Wangji's robes in his fists, he had been coaxed by Lan Wangji to let go of his hand so he would be able to put clothes on him. It was reassuring that he stopped trembling and his heartbeat and breathing slowed down as well.

Lan Wangji was actually a little bit surprised that he could manhandle someone older and bigger than him this easily, but right now, this was the last mystery he wanted to solve. He first needed to make Wei Wuxian comfortable and take him somewhere safe. He would also have to inform the Heavenly Court about a new – or perhaps old but forgotten as no one ever mentioned a god being sealed away in this place, not even any books he had read – god appearing.

Since no one would most probably know him and what his duties should be, Lan Qiren would have to see him and discover what his area of expertise was. Over the last thousand years, all the gods in the Heavenly Court had been reincarnated at least once and there were still several whom were currently awaited to come back as babies. The humans in the mortal realm had been acting more and more foolishly and they were often taking down with them the gods who had come to help them. The whole universe lacked wisdom and patience to keep on going and growing up peacefully.

That could however come later, first, Lan Wangji needed to somehow transport the now calm and blinking Wei Wuxian away from here and get him something better to wear, and also some food and water for his surely parched throat so he would be able to speak. He was only debating with himself how he should do all of this, especially the transportation part. He would surely not be able to lift someone bigger than him.

He looked down at his charge and saw that Wei Wuxian's eyes were now fully open, if squinting a little bit because of the sun, and that he was looking directly at him. And not only that, his stare was so piercing that Lan Wangji could feel it peeking right into his soul. It was both uncomfortable and something he would die for. He loved it and did not want Wei Wuxian's beautiful grey orbs to ever stop looking at him.

There was so much admiration and gratitude in that gaze that the tips of Lan Wangji's ears had immediately become bright red. He was glad that Wei Wuxian could not see it, it was embarrassing. He knew at that moment that he had done a good deed and that he had finally found a part of his soul which he had not realized he had been missing. Now that he got it back however, it was clear that it should have been like this from the beginning.

And the most amazing of all, was the bright and blinding smile that Wei Wuxian was giving him. Lan Wangji had never seen something this beautiful. He wanted to preserve it for all eternity. He reached down and slowly, in order not to startle the boy, he pushed away some strands of hair which were obscuring Wei Wuxian's eyes. He had not thought it possible but the smile became even brighter and it was sending warmth directly into his soul.

Lan Wangji felt at peace, he never wanted this moment to end. 

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