My eyes flutter open in the same breathlessness as her, and she only presses a hand to my sternum to shove me off of her.

"Come on," she incessantly murmurs, and I snicker as I watch her bend over by the door to lace up her shoes.

I smirk down at the lewd sight, swarming my mind with filthy thoughts just at the sight of that cherry-red lace peeking out from the waistband of her denim jeans before lifting my eyes to hers already catching me in the act.

"Pathetic," she scoffs, and I huff at her while she opens up the door to step out into the hallway.

I'm quick to follow out after her while shutting the door behind me. "Hey, you can't blame me," I murmur while throwing an arm over her shoulders to draw a groan out of her, burying her face into my chest.

I snicker as we step into the waiting elevator, and she toys with my keys as it sinks down to the ground floor.

"You gave Jules and Lou the address?" I murmur down to her as I let my arm slip from her shoulder to step out the doorway into the warm, spring night air of the city.

She hums in front of me as we trail down the pavement to my car, glossy in the white moonlight and city lights polluting the air. I unlock my car for it to chirp to life at the curb, and she slips in on the passenger side before I sink into the opposite seat.

I seal the warmth in and twist my keys to kickstart the engine before watching her tug her seatbelt over her chest as I do the same. My soulful, nostalgic music floods the car from connecting to my phone, and I watch her tuck her knees into her chest to shrink into the seat.

I simply drive away from the curb after checking my mirrors and reach into the cupholder to fish out a typical fix to hand off to her. "Thanks," she murmurs while taking the cigarette from my fingertips.

Just as I draw away she tucks my arm against her to welcome a foolish smile on my face as I curl my fingers around her thigh.

I glance over while coming to a stop at a red light, finding her skin draped in a crimson hue. She lights up beside me with a warm glow shadowing over her face and rolls the window down to puff the thick smoke from her lungs.

"We could've stayed in tonight if you didn't wanna go out–" she murmurs beside me, acknowledging the past few days of slowly finding more and more comfort in her.

I only shake my head, "and pass up watching Jules kick Griff's ass? No thanks," I sarcastically murmur, and her laugh echoes through my car like the tobacco lingering with her perfume in my car.

"Oh, god," Rory mumbles at the impending meeting she promised Griff while burying her face in between her knees.

"I'm kidding, it'll be fine, relax," I snicker under my breath as I gently squeeze her thigh while driving through the city.

She only hums gently before bringing that filter to her lips, hollowing out her cheeks to suck in a long, remedying drag as she gazes out the window at the city passing us by.

I drive and drive until I find Niall's place, crowded at the curb with cars and practically hearing the music thumping from inside my own car driving past it. I search for a spot along the curb before managing to park parallel several meters from his place.

I park, and "alright, ready–" shut the ignition off before being taken completely off guard with the sensation of her lips against my cheekbone.

I turn my head, only to find her climbing over the center console to which I willingly embrace her warm body straddling on my lap. "Ace–" I mumble before her hands slip to hold the sides of my jaw, sealing her lips to mine like a spark of white heat through my system.

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