mistletoe schimistletoe | kenny omega & hangman page

Start from the beginning

a glance at the clock above the television lets you know that it was already time for you to cook christmas dinner so you tapped on hangman's arm to let him know that you're about to get up.

he wordlessly lets you go. his eyes didn't stray from the movie he was watching when he sits up and kenny sits down beside him, snuggling into his side. "i'll join you in a few, just wanna know what happens here."

you chuckle leaning forward to ruffle his hair before proceeding to the kitchen to begin preparing.

you started out with the first dish, a simple macaroni salad. you figured to cook it first since the recipe you had was easy enough, plus you didn't have to serve it warm, unlike most foods. you filled up a large, deep pot with water, then put it on the stove and leaving it there to boil. you grabbed a timer and set it on a few minutes so you could just check on the pot every now and then.

the next thing you did was cook the meat that the recipe called for and by that time, hangman already appeared in the kitchen, ready to help so you had him do that for you.

all that was left were the vegetables and the sauce or dressing which you immediately got started on.

you opened the refrigerator to get everything that the recipe called for, then set it down on the counter.

things were going smoothly until you realized that you were missing an ingredient. you could have sworn you bought it during that month's trip to the grocery store, but after turning the whole house upside down, you could only come to the conclusion that you somehow missed it.

adam gave you a kiss on the cheek when you told him that you were going to the store for a while to pick up the ingredient you forgot, but then resumed doing his task of preparing the main course for that night.

you walked over to the living room where kenny was still busy watching the programme and suddenly sat on his lap. he gave a small grunt, clearly not expecting you, but with a grin which showed off that adorable gap between his front teeth that you were so fond of, and an arm thrown around your waist, he let you know that it wasn't an unwelcome surprise by any stretch of the word.

you batted your eyelashes up at him even if you knew that you didn't really have to before asking a favor. "ken, can you please drive me to the grocery store real quick? i forgot something important."

"m'kay babe." he said, pressing a kiss to your temple and turning off the tv. "does adam already know?"

you let out a quick yep to answer his question, before circling your arms around his neck to peck his lips in a thanks. you'd like to think that him squeezing your hip was his way of saying you're welcome.

in a few minutes, you and kenny were bundled up, complete with a scarf, parka, mittens, and beanie, ready to venture into the cold outdoors, but not before both of you kissed your other partner's lips to say goodbye.

the trip to the grocery store was surprisingly fast. most people were probably already in their homes cooking that night's supper, not buying things that they needed for the meal like you were.

you made sure to give the person working the counter a hefty tip given that they were not only working the holidays, but also most likely had to deal with more than a few aggressive customers.

the drive home was a quick one as well, much to your gratitude. most of the cars you've seen during the trip were in the driveway, surrounded by other cars, ones that probably belonged to relatives and loved ones visiting during the most wonderful time of the year.

"baby! we're home!" you called out, slipping off your boots and placing them in the shoe rack by the door. kenny was not far behind you, he just had to check the car just in case any of your belongings fell in there as his routine, then close the car.

"still in the kitchen, hun! i'm almost done with the main course!"

god bless hangman and his ability to cook you thought as you shrugged out of your jacket and sauntered to the kitchen. the delightful aroma of whatever he was cooking immediately tackled your senses and made your mouth water. "smells amazing, babe."

he chuckled lightly before thanking you. you noticed a tiny tint of red dancing around in the apples of his cheeks and it made you smile. he wasn't looking at you though, seemingly still not used to the compliments you and kenny shower him with daily. instead he was staring at the pan where the food was currently being seared. like what he said when you first came in, it looked just about done.

then you realized that the salad was still waiting for you. you also didn't know if dessert was made yet, so with a quick goodbye to the hangman, you dashed up the stairs to clean up and change into more comfortable clothes to cook in.

once you were done and was walking toward the kitchen, you saw both of your boyfriends engaged in a lip lock under the doorway. one of kenny's arms was draped over adam's shoulder, the other was tangled in his hair, then adam's hands were firmly on kenny's hips, pulling him closer.

you playfully pouted at the sight, something they took notice of when they pulled away from each other. kenny was the one to coo and aww at you, but adam was the one to approach you with a small smile. "there was a mistletoe, hun." he said, glancing to where he was and sure enough, there was a mistletoe you've never noticed before there hanging in the doorway. there was a hint of a laugh in his voice though, he was fully aware that you weren't serious. him and kenny were allowed to love on each other as much as you and him, and you and kenny and they didn't have to hide that from you. you've already had that conversation before you three committed to this kind of relationship. every person's boundaries and preferences has already been ironed out.

but you still continued your little game regardless. you crossed your arms, gently pushing at his chest when you proceeded to the kitchen. "don't care about that. dinner's burning." you mumbled.

when you passed your other boyfriend who was leaning against the doorway, you heard him say "he's my boyfriend too!" but you just muttered a yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever in response before grabbing the paper bag where the forgotten ingredient was and began to start on the salad once more.

"mistletoe schimistletoe.."

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